I don't know if anyone else has seen this or not, but I figured I would post it. This is an excert from the "senn.cfg" file in the new patch.
// Development
bind u "toggle cg_3rd_person"
bind m "dog"
bind n "noclip"
bind g "give all"
bind F1 "togglemenu leveldesign"
bind F2 "togglemenu animate2"
bind F3 "togglemenu emitter"
bind F4 "togglemenu camera"
bind F5 "togglemenu zound"
bind F6 "togglemenu decals"
bind F7 "togglemenu smoke"
bind F8 "trisb"
bind F9 "toggle fps"
bind F10 "editscript"
bind F11 "toggle cg_3rd_person"
bind F12 "screenshot"
bind o "getchshader"
bind p "editchshader"
bind DEL "hudoff"
bind END "vma0"
bind PGDN "timesb"
The really interesting part are the first few lines. Those look like cheat codes to me.

I hate cheaters, but everyone needs a hand sometimes. Hehe.
Hope this helps someone, if you haven't seen it already.