Michaels touching little boys again -
11-18-2003, 02:39 PM
was watching the news and mr. jackson is being accused of "touching" a 12 year old boy. a judgee signed a warrant for the search of his neverland ranch. link to story [url:7b77e]http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,103434,00.html[/url:7b77e]
Why would parents allow this guys to play with their kids?
...well, last time they got US$20m from him in an out of court settlement,
that's serious money.....even if it means lettin' yer kiddies get corn-holed. eek:
i knew it was a matter of time before this shit would happen again. if he is innocent, he should just stop hanging around with kids from now on. why is a 45 year old hanging out and spending the night with a bunch of kids???? its just creepy. here is the testimony of the kid who is accusing him of sexual abuse. (4 pages).