yes a bot is a comp player but only on certain d/led maps what u probably heard about was an aimbot wich makes it so when you shoo near some1 it hits tham or you gun auto points at some1 offtopic:
yes a bot is a comp player but only on certain d/led maps what u probably heard about was an aimbot wich makes it so when you shoo near some1 it hits tham or you gun auto points at some1 offtopic:
Uhh no I know what an aimbot is... I just didnt know what it was in a map. Thanks Anyway
Actually its really cool im not suposed to be telling u this but wtf gen cobra is making a map of when the russians climb the hill to get into stalingrad. The obj map has some bots that have a guy that the russians have to get to although its computer AI it is still in that multiplayer map therefore it is a bot.