Hey everyone, I want to start a new total conversion for MOHAA, mainly cause Im outta ideas for skins. What I need is a total conversion idea (pretty lame that I havent thought of one yet) and a team. Im thinking something following the 1st Ranger Battalion through Africa to Italy based offf the book Darby's Rangers or maybe a SPR mod since Ive never seen one before, but Im sure there is one so thats problay not a very likely one. Also maybe something following the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion, I dont know for sure yet.
2 skinners (I can already skin but not very good at weapons so I need a weapon skinner)
2 mappers
1 site manager
1 historian(at least)
2 Modelers and animation
And curraintly Im the project leader unless I could get someone A LOT BETTER THAN ME.
I no this doesnt sound like Im very serious, but dont worry I am very serious about this and need a team of guys that are also very serious!!!
So please if you would like to help me e-mail me at
pinhead1011@yahoo.com if you fit under one of these categories.
[1stCPB]Pinhead AKA Pvt.Pinhead