Clans should build there little "retards club for specail disabled children and adults" some were else. I hate the dumbass flooders saying join me so we can control the world. I want to know who else wants MOH to be a clan free game so we can stop "HE HOMOS".
Nah we're not neccisarely "trying to take over the world" personally i havent seen a clan flood saying "JOIN THIS JOIN THIS" i dont think ALL clans should be banned from MoH anyways that idea is way too out there and i doubt it will happen clan's are just clan's their everywhere just dont pay attention to them when they flood.
There there is nothing wrong with clans for MOH. All they do is give some people a chance to have some fun in the game and not have to worry about cheaters or any stupid people like that.
Plus the clans are what give you the good dedicated servers to play on most of the time.
[This message has been edited by [SE]Sgt.WillyWonka (edited January 30, 2002).]
youve probably never hung with any good clans. and real good clans won't say 'JOIN US JOIN US'.
clans are inevitable, there is nothing as fun as an organized game that actually has teamplay. there are always gonna be morons in the community, but some are in clans. some are NOT, most are NOT.
competition is great, and mohaa has the makings for some great competition.
Clans are just a bunch of people that come together to play games...and like people are saying "good clans" don't spam with "JOIN US WE ARE THE BEST OF BEST" anyway.