Originally Posted by butch
i saw on the news the other night. i believe it was on 60 minutes. they have uncovered like 120 mass graves. skulls with cloth blindfolds still tied around there eyes. men women and children. theres a world group doing dna testing to identify the bodies. relitives looking for there loved ones have given blood to be matched to the bodies of the dead. they showed all the bodies in a big ditch piled on top of eachother. one place had been moved in an effort to hide the grave site.
So? This happens every day around the world. Checynia, Liberia, Iran, Korea, China, Ivory Coast, Bosnia need I continue? It's sad, yes, but I don't see the US invading any of those countries. I think there is better ways of dealing with such atrocities than risking more lives in a war, don't you?
so you jackasses sitting high and tight in front of your computers while you waitting on your mommy to fix your dinner and tuck you in at nite may want to give that some thought before you say we dont belong there. easy for you to say. but when one or more of your family members are taken out of your home by force never to be seen again then you can talk. till then STFU and keep your lame ass opinions to yourself.
Well this is a message board isn't it? Why is your opinion more valuable than mine? Why should I keep my "lame ass" opinion to myself? And what makes my opinion "lame ass"?
that monster had to go for the sake of humanity. i say well done george for having the balls to finally call that assholes bluff and give him the smakdown he so richly deserved. it also sends a very strong message to the rest of those self proclaimed dictators around world. the same thing could happen to you anytime day or night.
Again, I go back to the point of using the excuse of WMD for invading Iraq. Bush didn't go to Iraq to find WMD, he went there to overthrow Saddam. I believe he should have outright said what his motives were, not tiptoe around the subject.
for you guys who said im glad canada didnt go because of the possible attack on your country. [/quote:81373]
Maybe you should read my post again. I said I'm glad Canada didn't go because it would have been for the wrong reasons. Bush went to the UN and passed resolution 1441. He then told us that Iraq had WMD and was a threat to world peace. If he had proven that, I and the entire world would have had no problem with forceably disarming Iraq. But Bush couldn't prove this and therefore lead an unjust war.
[quote:81373]i bet you offer up your lunch money to the bully as well. it may not be right. but its easy and safe. let someone else deal with him while i stand on the sidelines and watch. your just lucky the rest of the world dont share your opinion or we would all be hiding in the basement. but dont worry. [/quote:81373]
Well, the rest of the world does seem to share the opinion of the Iraq war being unjustified. You couldn't pass a resolution, Germany France and Russia were dead set against it along with many other nations. I don't know how we could all be wrong.
Why is there protests of hundreds of thousands when Bush goes to Britain? Why were there millions of protesters around the world leading up to the war? Were thery all diluted?
It's quite simple. Justify the war and you'd have the worlds support. You didn't do that, you don't get support.
[quote:81373]the rest of the world will take up the fight. you just sit there and complain about how its being done. its what you do best anyay[/quote:81373]
I really wish you haden't of said that. I think the majority of people know its not true. How did Canada get to be the most asked country for peacekeepers? How did Canada have more deployed peacekeepers over the past 10 years than any other country combined if we don't do anything. Were concerned with keeping the peace, not making war.
However, when it is justified, such as the War on Terrorism, Canada steps up. Were we sitting back when National Guard fighters dropped a 500lb bomb on 3 bn PPCLI in Afghanistan? Were we sitting back when our F-18's were dropping bombs on the NATO sanctioned Kosovo conflict? Were we sitting out when the Gulf war started? Have we not been in Bosnia for 14 rotations? Have our seamen not protected American ships in the gulf since Operation Apollo?
I serve my country this very day. When justifications are made for actions which involve my life, I will do my duty, but a second before. This is why i'm glad my government stood up and said, war is not justified.