I'm the one person I wouldn't want to... what is it you little computer savvy mother fuckers call it?... "flame". Trust me, I've gotten into, well, let's just call them arguments, with myself on this site before... I usually end up with hurt feelings and a black eye.Just ask those mother fuckers that've been here for a while. But the important thing is that I taught myself what's what. And gay blade... in that second picture, it looks like you're missing one of your arms. AND... while I'm at it... don't ever knock masturbating. Masturbating happens to be a good friend of mine, but he has very sensitive feelings. And I'd hate to have to find where you live and kill you... travel is such a bitch with a body in the back of an unreliable car. And since it's become a habit of mine, I always have to bury the corpse two states over and to the left. Nooch.