12-14-2003, 02:50 AM
If you are attempting to reinstall Medal of Honor Allied Assault and you are getting a window that provides you with the options to Modify, Repair, or Remove the game or you have uninstalled the game but it still shows up in Add or Remove Programs then some files are still left on your system. These files located in your registry. The following steps will completely remove the game and all of its settings from your computer, but be warned that if these steps are not followed correctly, there is a possibility that your installation of windows could become corrupted. If you do not wish to complete these steps yourself, you may call one of our phone representatives with the phone number provided in the back of the game manual for help in reinstalling the game. It is recommended that you print out this page before proceeding.
1. Delete the games directory.
a. Double click on My Computer.
b. Double click on C:\
c. Double click on Program Files
d. Double click on EA Games
e. Right click on MOHAA.
f. Click Delete.
2. Next delete MOHAA from the start menu as well.
a. Click on Start
b. Click on Programs
c. Click on EA Games
d. Right click on Medal of Honor Allied Assault.
e. Click Delete.
3. Now load the registry editor. Go to Start -> Run -> type in "regedit" (without the quotes).
Before doing anything in the Registry it is important that a backup be made. If any mistakes are made while working in the Registry the system could become unstable or inoperable as a result.
To back up your Registry in Windows XP:
1. Click on File
2. Click on Export
3. Type in Backup in the File name field.
4. Change the Export range to All.
5. Click Save (By default this file should will saved to My Documents)
To back up your Registry in Windows 98/Me
1. Click on Registry
2. Click on Export Registry File
3. Type in Backup in the File name field.
4. Change the Export range to All.
5. Click Save (By default this file should will be saved to My Documents)
4. Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE by clicking on the plus next to it.
5. Expand Software by clicking on the plus next to it.
6. Expand Microsoft by clicking on the plus next to it.
7. Expand Windows by clicking on the plus next to it.
8. Expand CurrentVersion by clicking on the plus next to it.
9. Expand Uninstall by clicking on the plus next to it.
10. Click on {0DEA94ED-915A-4834-A87E-388D012C8E02} one time so that it is highlighted and then press the delete key on your keyboard. When asked if you are sure you would like to delete this file select Yes.
11. With this file deleted close the Registry Editor.
NOTE* The following steps should only be taken if a mistake was made during the above steps to remove the Registry key.
To restore your Registry in Windows 98/Me/XP
1. Right click on the Backup.reg file that you created.
2. Click Merge, this will then cause your Registry to be restored.
The above steps to restore the Registry should ONLY be taken if you have deleted a key you did not mean to delete. Restoring the Registry when it is working fine can result in unwanted effects.
Now that the above Registry entry has been deleted the game can be reinstalled normally. You will no longer receive the Modify, Repair, or Remove screen when attempting to run the installation wizard. Additionally the game will no longer appear in your Add or Remove Programs list.
**Practicing the dark art of turn signal usage since 1976.**