Well, technically speaking there is only 1 nazi modelled in the game. And that would be the "elite sentry" with the red swastika armband. The name in real life would be Allgemeine SS or Totenkopfverband SS. Moh is rather pathetically historically incorrect in many aspects.
The Wehrmacht (german armed forces) or Heer (normal german army) were not apart of the Nazi party. The "grenadier" modelled is just a class that EA made up. The camo smock used looks more like Italian camo than Heer camo (or Waffen SS camo). DAK (deutsches afrika korps) was under Wehrmacht control therefore were also exempt from Nazi party membership as well.
The Waffen SS were technically apart of the 3 branches of the SS. But while they were a branch, they were also a front line force. The unofficial purpose of the Waffen SS was to counter the balance of power in Germany, as the Wehrmacht; the SA (sturmabteilung); and SS (schutzstaffel) were always fighting for power and favor from Hitler.
Thus, the Waffen SS was formed as a "political army" to balance the power between the armed forces. They were considered to be elite, but mainly because they generally had much more strict leadership as the higher ranking commanders were direct nazi party officers.
The SS itself was a large organization of police and military branch offs. While funded and favored by the NAzi party, they still were not apart of the Nazi party.
So, the many different organizations in WW2 Germany were technically under the Nazi political party yes, but it did not necessarily mean that their members believed in NAzi politics. Many Germans loved their country and fought for it when asked, nazi or not.
The best example of this would be a normal everyday republic. The US army is made up of almost %100 right-wingers but it does not mean that all must follow the right-wing. also the US army doesn't simply disintegrate when a left-wing polititian gets elected into office.
Nazi Germany worked out alot like our democracies ironically enough.
Anyway, I just thought I'd clear that up
"Bleib von meinem loch fern junge!"
-Stay out of my (ass)hole boy!-
[This message has been edited by Wehr (edited February 01, 2002).]