4 years active duty....
95 - 99 U.S. Army
B. Co. 447 Sig. Bn, 15th Sig. Brigade, Ft. Gordon, GA
269th Sig. Co. 86th Sig. Bn, 11th Sig. Brigade, Ft. Huachuca, Az
Deployed from Az to Daharan, Saudi Arabia for 7 months with the
235th Sig. Co., 67th Sig. Bn, 93rd Sig. Brigade, out of Ft. Gordon, GA
A. Co., 1st Satellite Control Bn, Ft. Detrick, MD
Started out an E-1 scumbag PVT private, with nothing on my sleeve for rank...got out as an E-4 SPC (thats specialist for you civilians).
Signal Corp. The geeks of the Army

"Shoot,Communicate, Move on out.."
[This message has been edited by Tony (edited February 01, 2002).]