i only just started playng medal of honout online so forgive me for getting stuff wrong.
when i go in a game and when it loads up a map i've never seen b4 it stops and then comes up wit an error not a windows error but an error reading some kind of zip files in the control box that comes up when u first click on the game .
does anyone know what i'm talking about and how toi help me?
not custom maps original maps and thier having problems cos some of the mp3's are missing but i checked with a freind who also has it installed and he has the mpo3's and so do i but they are coming up with being missing and it makes the whole game go downhill
well the mp3's wen't there and there are still files missing and i know these maps shoud work cos my m8 has the game aswell and he can get to all the maps. and the maps that won't load are all original maps that i should be able to play but i can't.