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 What do you think about the BNP? |
Command Sergeant Major
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What do you think about the BNP? -
12-27-2003, 01:27 AM
I was reading some obviously biased article about the bnp that was commenting on their recent sucess in british elections, the author who was obviously some brainwashed leftist kept refering to the BNP as the "british nazi party". After reading the article I was curious to what the BNP actualy was and what they stand for. So I went to their their stances on politics watched some of their multimedia and came to the conclusion that their was nothing racist at all about this organization. In fact if I lived in Britian I would most certainly be voting for BNP canidates. Their positions are logical and make since...their leftest oponents call them racist because of the BNP's hard stance on imigration, which I think is a would be a crime against humanity if the British people were out populated in their homeland by isnt right, at all. Wanting to perserve their national identity and their culture isn't racist at all, there is nothing nazi about them...and I hope the BNP has many more successes in 04 and win more seats in parliment.
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12-27-2003, 02:36 AM
Xenophobia isn't a good thing in the small world we have now. The BNP and their ideals would hurt England more than it would help.
And apparently Africa should've remained under the control of the "proud white people." Not to mention that Christianity should be the only religion there. rolleyes:
Also the BNP believe they have to "secure a futrure for white children" while at the same time making sure that they keep the BNP not multi-raced.
So yes, the BNP, who deligently work to secure the future of white British while keeping their organization solely white, certainly aren't racist at all and share no commonalities with the Nazi Party. More of them in parliment would definately be a good idea.
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12-27-2003, 02:56 AM
As a brit I can quite honestly say that the BNP are Nazis, this I know without a doubt as I have watched an undercover report on them from Channel4 which showed them playing Nazi war songs and proved that most of their memebers were made up of former white national parties such as the national front. The BNP was forged as the 'professional' party with guys going around in smart suits etc instead of skin heads and whatnot.
I haven't been to their website nor do I intend to because I already know the truth about this sinister organisation. But, I do certainly agree that there is an immigration problem with the U.K.
The U.K. is a white country, just like Nigeria is a black country, the government might be spouting figures for immigration and showing that the ethnic minorities are really a minority in the country but that dosen't explain why I, as a white englishman, am a miniority in a London University.
Don't get me wrong, I'm no Nazi racist mofo, I have many ethnic friends and am in full support for them if they wish to celebrate their festivals and build their temples etc I have no problem with that. But I do find it rather strange being one of the few white people in a University in England.
Then I think there's no point gloating in the past, the pre 1950's England will never appear again and there's no way to stop the immigrants now. This country will most probably become a highly multicultural society and the original idea of England being a quaint country full of squadron leaders & cockneys playing cricket & drinking tea will slip into obscurity. It is sad to lose ones country profile but things change, the future is mysterious, and in 500 years the world would have changed beyond recognition anyway so whats the point of moaning?
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12-27-2003, 08:47 AM
This BNP intrigues me, I wish to subscribe to their weekly newsletter...
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12-27-2003, 10:44 AM
I'm not racist, but if there wasnt much other choice I might vote for them. All they really go on about is putting British people first, and theres nothing wrong with that when this is Britain after all. Theres homeless people, people waiting for years on hospital waiting lists etc, and instead money is spent on imigrants. Anyway, every single asylum seeker coming to the UK is an illegal one and shouldnt be allowed in. Some UN law or something says that when a person is seeking asylum, they have to leave their country, and the first peaceful country they reach is the one where they can get asylum. So unless theres some war in France that I dont know about, not a single person has a right to come to the UK for asylum.
There's nothing racist in their manifesto anyway, so any racist policies they do come up will be hard to get passed. But I dont think they'd ever get in power anyway, the most they'd get is a few seats.
Command Sergeant Major
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12-27-2003, 01:51 PM
[quote="Fluffy_Bunny":10b05]As a brit I can quite honestly say that the BNP are Nazis, this I know without a doubt as I have watched an undercover report on them from Channel4 which showed them playing Nazi war songs and proved that most of their memebers were made up of former white national parties such as the national front. The BNP was forged as the 'professional' party with guys going around in smart suits etc instead of skin heads and whatnot.
I haven't been to their website nor do I intend to because I already know the truth about this sinister organisation. But, I do certainly agree that there is an immigration problem with the U.K.
The U.K. is a white country, just like Nigeria is a black country, the government might be spouting figures for immigration and showing that the ethnic minorities are really a minority in the country but that dosen't explain why I, as a white englishman, am a miniority in a London University.
Don't get me wrong, I'm no Nazi racist mofo, I have many ethnic friends and am in full support for them if they wish to celebrate their festivals and build their temples etc I have no problem with that. But I do find it rather strange being one of the few white people in a University in England.
Then I think there's no point gloating in the past, the pre 1950's England will never appear again and there's no way to stop the immigrants now. This country will most probably become a highly multicultural society and the original idea of England being a quaint country full of squadron leaders & cockneys playing cricket & drinking tea will slip into obscurity. It is sad to lose ones country profile but things change, the future is mysterious, and in 500 years the world would have changed beyond recognition anyway so whats the point of moaning?[/quote:10b05]
You really need to read their politics...the "undercover report" you watched on tv was without a doubt horribly biased...the BNP wants to put Britons first to save Britians identity and heritage....Britian isn't the United States its not about imigration and multicultralism, nor should it be...Britian is the land of my ancestors, yours, and many others....and it isnt right for our ancesterol homeland to be over run by foriegenors...many people belive that believing that native britons have the right to remain the ethnic majority in their homeland flies in the face of "diversity" and "multicultralism" so therefore it must be evil and wrong...even though the logical thing says that no...the peoples that have lived here for thousands of years have the right to remain the majority in their homeland as they have always been.
Remember the chorus for "Rule Britannia"
Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves:
Britons never shall be slaves.

12-27-2003, 02:41 PM
[quote="Cpl. Eames"]
the peoples that have lived here for thousands of years have the right to remain the majority in their homeland as they have always been.
So, don't let anyone in except white people?
Gee, they're not racist! rolleyes: The KKK pulls the same bullshit on their website.
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12-27-2003, 03:38 PM
woah for the number of posts this topic sure has a lot of words in it. MArked as a do not read again I think.
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12-27-2003, 03:49 PM
[quote="Cpl. Eames":6fc96][quote="Fluffy_Bunny":6fc96]As a brit I can quite honestly say that the BNP are Nazis, this I know without a doubt as I have watched an undercover report on them from Channel4 which showed them playing Nazi war songs and proved that most of their memebers were made up of former white national parties such as the national front. The BNP was forged as the 'professional' party with guys going around in smart suits etc instead of skin heads and whatnot.
I haven't been to their website nor do I intend to because I already know the truth about this sinister organisation. But, I do certainly agree that there is an immigration problem with the U.K.
The U.K. is a white country, just like Nigeria is a black country, the government might be spouting figures for immigration and showing that the ethnic minorities are really a minority in the country but that dosen't explain why I, as a white englishman, am a miniority in a London University.
Don't get me wrong, I'm no Nazi racist mofo, I have many ethnic friends and am in full support for them if they wish to celebrate their festivals and build their temples etc I have no problem with that. But I do find it rather strange being one of the few white people in a University in England.
Then I think there's no point gloating in the past, the pre 1950's England will never appear again and there's no way to stop the immigrants now. This country will most probably become a highly multicultural society and the original idea of England being a quaint country full of squadron leaders & cockneys playing cricket & drinking tea will slip into obscurity. It is sad to lose ones country profile but things change, the future is mysterious, and in 500 years the world would have changed beyond recognition anyway so whats the point of moaning?[/quote:6fc96]
You really need to read their politics...the "undercover report" you watched on tv was without a doubt horribly biased...the BNP wants to put Britons first to save Britians identity and heritage....Britian isn't the United States its not about imigration and multicultralism, nor should it be...Britian is the land of my ancestors, yours, and many others....and it isnt right for our ancesterol homeland to be over run by foriegenors...many people belive that believing that native britons have the right to remain the ethnic majority in their homeland flies in the face of "diversity" and "multicultralism" so therefore it must be evil and wrong...even though the logical thing says that no...the peoples that have lived here for thousands of years have the right to remain the majority in their homeland as they have always been.
Remember the chorus for "Rule Britannia"
Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves:
Britons never shall be slaves.[/quote:6fc96]
I can't help but find that partly amusing as you're an American and the true Americans are the native American Indians biggrin:
[quote:6fc96]"undercover report" you watched on tv was without a doubt horribly biased[/quote:6fc96]
Really? Have you seen it? The program shows the party playing nazi marching songs at their rally and cracking jokes on a loud microphone infront of a large audience that go somewhere along the lines of "My grandfatehr died in Auschwitz, he got drunk one night and fell out of the machine gun nest".
I can understand your statement and I am glad to have your support in this matter, but there is no doubt that the BNP is a nazi party and it would be extremely dangerous if they were to sieze power. I think it is better to vote for the British conservative "Tory" party than the national front in suits.
The Tories take a tough stance on immigration and also on the E.U. they may have the slogan 'nasty party' but they aren't anywhere as near to the right as the BNP.
Command Sergeant Major
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12-27-2003, 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by "Cpl. Eames":3c553
the peoples that have lived here for thousands of years have the right to remain the majority in their homeland as they have always been.
So, don't let anyone in except white people?
Gee, they're not racist! rolleyes: The KKK pulls the same bullshit on their website.
how is that racist? if they want to preserve their national it right for them to be made a minority in their ancesterol homeland?
Command Sergeant Major
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Location: Tampa, FL or Charleston, SC

12-27-2003, 04:44 PM
[quote="Fluffy_Bunny":bd753][quote="Cpl. Eames":bd753][quote="Fluffy_Bunny":bd753]As a brit I can quite honestly say that the BNP are Nazis, this I know without a doubt as I have watched an undercover report on them from Channel4 which showed them playing Nazi war songs and proved that most of their memebers were made up of former white national parties such as the national front. The BNP was forged as the 'professional' party with guys going around in smart suits etc instead of skin heads and whatnot.
I haven't been to their website nor do I intend to because I already know the truth about this sinister organisation. But, I do certainly agree that there is an immigration problem with the U.K.
The U.K. is a white country, just like Nigeria is a black country, the government might be spouting figures for immigration and showing that the ethnic minorities are really a minority in the country but that dosen't explain why I, as a white englishman, am a miniority in a London University.
Don't get me wrong, I'm no Nazi racist mofo, I have many ethnic friends and am in full support for them if they wish to celebrate their festivals and build their temples etc I have no problem with that. But I do find it rather strange being one of the few white people in a University in England.
Then I think there's no point gloating in the past, the pre 1950's England will never appear again and there's no way to stop the immigrants now. This country will most probably become a highly multicultural society and the original idea of England being a quaint country full of squadron leaders & cockneys playing cricket & drinking tea will slip into obscurity. It is sad to lose ones country profile but things change, the future is mysterious, and in 500 years the world would have changed beyond recognition anyway so whats the point of moaning?[/quote:bd753]
You really need to read their politics...the "undercover report" you watched on tv was without a doubt horribly biased...the BNP wants to put Britons first to save Britians identity and heritage....Britian isn't the United States its not about imigration and multicultralism, nor should it be...Britian is the land of my ancestors, yours, and many others....and it isnt right for our ancesterol homeland to be over run by foriegenors...many people belive that believing that native britons have the right to remain the ethnic majority in their homeland flies in the face of "diversity" and "multicultralism" so therefore it must be evil and wrong...even though the logical thing says that no...the peoples that have lived here for thousands of years have the right to remain the majority in their homeland as they have always been.
Remember the chorus for "Rule Britannia"
Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves:
Britons never shall be slaves.[/quote:bd753]
I can't help but find that partly amusing as you're an American and the true Americans are the native American Indians biggrin:
[quote:bd753]"undercover report" you watched on tv was without a doubt horribly biased[/quote:bd753]
Really? Have you seen it? The program shows the party playing nazi marching songs at their rally and cracking jokes on a loud microphone infront of a large audience that go somewhere along the lines of "My grandfatehr died in Auschwitz, he got drunk one night and fell out of the machine gun nest".
I can understand your statement and I am glad to have your support in this matter, but there is no doubt that the BNP is a nazi party and it would be extremely dangerous if they were to sieze power. I think it is better to vote for the British conservative "Tory" party than the national front in suits.
The Tories take a tough stance on immigration and also on the E.U. they may have the slogan 'nasty party' but they aren't anywhere as near to the right as the BNP.[/quote:bd753]
Go to their site and read their policies
Nothing racist at all about any part of it...The whole "they are nazis" and "Facist" is a load of shit made up by leftist and liberals who feel threatened by the appeal the bnp has for many britons. If they really were nazis they would want to be in the eu and adopt the euro so they could be with germany and other "aryan" nations under a single banner. But its not the case, they want to preserve an independent briton with her cultural heritage intact. Trust me, if you don't act now to solve the immigration problem, then it will never be able to be solved. The american south is already headed down the path of multicultralism and the destruction of southern culture and traditions at the hands of the multicultralist...don't let the same thing happen in britian...fight to preserve your national identity.
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12-27-2003, 05:02 PM
Over my head
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12-27-2003, 05:05 PM
[quote:20388]Nothing racist at all about any part of it...[/quote:20388]
Maybe on the website, but I have my proof and I have seen the proof, did you read any of my post?
Let me post this part again and tell me what part of this is not racist.
[quote:20388]The program shows the party playing nazi marching songs at their rally and cracking jokes on a loud microphone infront of a large audience that go somewhere along the lines of "My grandfatehr died in Auschwitz, he got drunk one night and fell out of the machine gun nest".
And you're trying to tell me this undercover program by Channel 4 is biased... rolleyes:
Command Sergeant Major
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12-27-2003, 05:12 PM
[quote="Fluffy_Bunny":1d336][quote:1d336]Nothing racist at all about any part of it...[/quote:1d336]
Maybe on the website, but I have my proof and I have seen the proof, did you read any of my post?
Let me post this part again and tell me what part of this is not racist.
[quote:1d336]The program shows the party playing nazi marching songs at their rally and cracking jokes on a loud microphone infront of a large audience that go somewhere along the lines of "My grandfatehr died in Auschwitz, he got drunk one night and fell out of the machine gun nest".
And you're trying to tell me this undercover program by Channel 4 is biased... rolleyes:[/quote:1d336]
Most news sources are incredibly biased! Especially tv news media! Tv news media have a liberal agenda they are trying to get across on everyone and anything that deviates from there pc correct multicultural society is automaticly labeled as evil and they try to attack it with everything they got to try and get the public against their target. I mean think about is a british nationalist party have anything to do with nazis? Most members of the bnp probably served in the british military and have relatives who fought in ww2...all they are wanting to do is preserve their identity, and the multicultralist believe that anyone thatss against their ideas is automaticly racist and nazi because they know most morale people wouldnt want to consider themselves racist, but im telling you...their is nothing racist about the bnp, they are trying to preserve their heritage...You really need to read their policies and watch some of the interviews with the party leader.
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12-28-2003, 02:40 AM
So if native americans formed a party that wanted all white people to stop immigrating to america and eventually emigrate them back to the countries that their ancestors originated from. It certainly is a crime against humanity that their people are out populated by foreigners. So would you support them?
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