Will u be scared by this game? and be honest.... -
12-29-2003, 02:44 AM
Doom 3 looks insanely freaky. I don't know about you guys, but if i ever get a copy of this game, I'll never be playing it in the dark basement in the wee hours of the night.... ed:
If its not scary, then the makers haven't done their job. Its the same with a movie. If you go to a horror film, you go to be scared. If it doess't scare you, then its a shitty attempt at a horror flick. Simple.
I think if I played it in complete darkness, it might. The 1st Resident Evil on PSX was the only game that scared me when those dogs jumped through those windows. cry:
I will prolly be scared and need to play the game with the lights on and not be alone in the house. Games with zombies and the undead get me on edge and a little nervous. I have this feeling when playing RTCW, thief 1 and 2 and the other doom games. I guess im a little bitch sometimes. ed:
The game isnt scary..the only thing that makes me shit my pants is when like a monster hops out of nowhere and makes a load noise ( I crank my badass speakers up HIGH when i play games) but the monsters are more funny then scary. mwah:
The creepest thing i've experienced when playing a video game is definatly the "Licker" creatures in Resident Evil.
Oh yeah, i remember those..
Long winter nights, pitch black in the room, everyone else is fast asleep..
Nothing beats the feeling of one of those "Lickers" jumping out in front of you, just as you realise youre almost out of ammo.. biggrin: