I just bought Fraps, and I don't know where to put this post. Well im trying to get rid of all text and huds. I was able to get rid of all in game text imaginable but the spectator logo at the bottem. In order to recored a ingame movie i want to be able to remove the SPECTATOR sign at the bottem does anyone know a file i need to edit to do this?
lol nvm mind i got it there is a little bug though it unbinds all your controls so u have to set them up ok right click on multiplayer and type this in "C:/../.../.." +set cg_draw2D 0 this is like the cheat thing incase u dont know what that looks like it is how u type the cheats in lol.
[quote:7d0f2]U really think im that stupid that was the first thing i tried retard stupid noob it doesn't work! cuss: [/quote:7d0f2]
lol just proved my point. fuckin' n00bs.