12-23-2003, 05:49 AM
Congrates to EA Gamers,
|GOD| - TEAMGOD - Went to CoD
|PM| - PUREMAYHEM - Went to CoD
|TC| - Total Carnage - No More in Gaming
Hackers Still in mohaa
who cares about them? i was never worried about them. doesnt matter.. its clans that compete and hack that piss me off. PM, do w/e you want. TG, do w/e. but the moment someone cheats in matches.. that pisses me off
who cares about them? i was never worried about them. doesnt matter.. its clans that compete and hack that piss me off. PM, do w/e you want. TG, do w/e. but the moment someone cheats in matches.. that pisses me off
True fragged, i hate them hackers that play in matchs, when u play atlest admit u hack in the game, insted of being like TeamGOD