Location: Reading 'Country Life' magazine in a crack wh0res brothel in Soho, London
01-03-2004, 01:00 PM
You guys have no respect for your teachers, I remember I almost had to spent an hour after school in detention just for saying "Damn".
That's what happens when overzealous, religious, middle aged bitches who should have been nuns, decide to become teachers instead.
So you just did a [img]http://www.movv.com/prvupload/uploads/poopwhite.gif[/img] In your class? Holy shit, man, I would be so fuckin embarrassed, HOLY SHIT!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (sorry I had to add the holy shitpart at the end!) biggrin:
When I was in my greade 12 business class, my teacher threatened to send me to the office for saying "hell" what I fucking bitch.. oh yea.. one day she was wearng this dress that cut off at the shoulders.. so when she moved her arms, you cansee her hairy arm pits and de-oderent, it was fucking sick.
Taking a shit in school sucks, espically if it takes a while and the teacher asks where you were when you walk into the class about 20 minutes after you went to the bathroom.
it takes mad balls to admit that you shit in your pants in the 5th grade. ha ha hahaahahahaahahahahahahahahahaaa agaahahahahahahahahahaha hahahah aha ha ahaahahahahahhaah
Throwing your tighty whities in the garbage usually works... but my shit was liquid and went thru my damn underwear into my sweatpant shorts!!! They were grey and they had this HUGE fuckin shit stain on the back of it cry: