u guys are awesum LMAO i luv the feedback im getting calmdown: ok animalmother 1st of all ur a bastard i look at every sig test u say horrible i think ill take ur sig URL and make it my sig and see what u think of then....
[quote=".LeperMessiah.":de9df]u guys are awesum LMAO i luv the feedback im getting calmdown: ok animalmother 1st of all ur a bastard i look at every sig test u say horrible i think ill take ur sig URL and make it my sig and see what u think of then....[/quote:de9df]
you'd be banned ;D
[quote=".LeperMessiah.":ea356]u guys are awesum LMAO i luv the feedback im getting calmdown: ok animalmother 1st of all ur a bastard i look at every sig test u say horrible i think ill take ur sig URL and make it my sig and see what u think of then....[/quote:ea356]
You'd have to ask arch, because he made it, and like jotun said. Id get you banned. I am sorry you suck. Dont get butt hurt