you guys are just as bad as trek or star wars nerds.... "in what episode was spocks ear 7.5mm higher on the left than the right?" "OMFG! season 4 episode 7, 11 minutes & 22.5 seconds into the show!"
You suck! It was in Season 4, Episode 7, 11 minutes and 25 seconds into
the show! For the love of Kirk, get it right man! mad:[/quote:9141c]
ahahahahaha, bravo!
Location: North Building, Offtopic Floor, Apartment 1337
Re: Family Guy QUIZ -
01-16-2004, 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by Acideyez
Ok. lets have a quiz thing. I ask 5 questions, and 1st one to answer them gets to make another set of five, and people PLZ PLZ PLZ DO NOT POST ANSWERS AFTER THE FIRST FIVE ARE ANSWERED CORRECTLY
Ok here we go.
1. How did Joe break his legs?
2. What is the orgin of The Evil Monkey?
3. How old is Meg?
4. What is Quagmire's first name?
5. What is Louis's last name (spelling counts)?
1)He fell off when he was fighting the grinch guy
2)started when chris mentioned it
4) Glen
5) Peuterschmidt
1) What job did Peter have when he Met Lois?
2) What was Peter's dream job?
3) Why is Stewey's head shape the way it is?
4) How should you show your fellow co-worker "a job well done"?
5) What production does Peter steal from Lois?
1) What job did Peter have when he Met Lois?
2) What was Peter's dream job?
3) Why is Stewey's head shape the way it is?
4) How should you show your fellow co-worker "a job well done"?
5) What production does Peter steal from Lois?
1. Towel Boy
2. Quahog renaissance fair jouster
3. no clue honestly
4. don't know
5. the king and I