Mine only works in Single Player..again, your just playing the game from another perspective..bring down the console and just type in cg_3rd_person 1 and your levitating about 5 feet behind Powell. This FOV is interesting also. If you type in on the console FOV it replies 0 Next try FOV 110 and you'll notice it goes wider angle...This appears to work all the way to 200...If you want to have a permanent set of binoculars grafted to your eyeballs, type in FOV 50 or any other number down to 1....Again, just another way to play the game that you purchased. Oh...several weeks ago I saw a post that indicates your could change the distance from Powell and the relative angle (looking at him from the side)...Those two didn't work for me...
I think i know what you mean, but unfortunatly, I dont think this can be done... I havnt tried it myself, but form what I hear of people trying to do this, it cant be done.. The only alteration to FOV is form 1st to 3rd person
Literally just type "FOV xxx". Fov 90 appears to be the default. When you type FOV and any number higher than 90, your see your perspective change. Like a wide-angle lens....try it............
Can't change it. Tried fov=, cg_fov, etc.
Hopefully, someone will figure it out. I hate playing with blinders on. A human's FOV is about 180 degrees. The game is 90? If anyone knows how to increase the game's FOV let us know. I'd like to go to 120-130, like I did in the Quake series. And RTCW, and HalfLife, And the Ureal series....
This only works in single player, not multiplayer....When I right-click my MOHAA icon on my desktop, in the target window, it says..."C:Program FilesEA GAMESMOHAAMOHAA.exe" +set cl_playintro 0 +set ui_skip_eamovie 1 +set ui_skip_titlescreen 1 +set ui_skip_legalscreen 1 +set developer 1 +set ui_console 1 +set thereisnomonkey 1 +set cheats 1....and yes your right, this is a cheat...but single player, your own computer, your own house, your own purchased software....who cares..Your just tweaking the software a little bit to give the program more "legs"...I'm sure you heard from others about the "cg_3rd_person 1" & "cg_acidtrip 1"
In Q3 you can adjust your field of view in the first person to give yourself a better idea what is around you, sort of imitating your eyes' perefial (spelling) view.
Considering the engine is loosly or not, based on the Q3 engine, it would be great if the same could be done here. Realy enhances gameplay.