Does anyone else find this annoying?? -
01-25-2004, 12:52 AM
I wish the controls were different for the medal of honor games!!!!! I recently got myself Medal of Honor Rising Sun for Gamecube and it's annoying as heck!!!!!!! I can't even aim properly. My friend has one for his playstation 2 and it's the same thing. cry:
N64 is the only control that did FPS well control wise.
goldeneye 64 and Perfvect Dark were perfect.
I have perfect dark for N64 i loved that game soo much and i played it everyday practically for months and months... and i still love it... i havent played it in a while so yeah...
dude, goldeneye was the classic game. in the magazine nintendo power it was #1 for like 1-2 years. i dont remember that well as it was quite a while ago.
just got James Bond EON for xbox. Awesome game, and although the controls arent as good as in goldeneye, the had to hand combat and cool gadgets more than make up for that, cool:
N64 is the only control that did FPS well control wise.
goldeneye 64 and Perfvect Dark were perfect.
I have perfect dark for N64 i loved that game soo much and i played it everyday practically for months and months... and i still love it... i havent played it in a while so yeah...