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Default 02-05-2004, 10:53 PM

Originally Posted by bwolf
Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by bwolf
too bad YOU said "These aren't even films that no-one has ever heard of......", but way to own yourself, ass. and i'm responding to your pretentiousness

anyway, to make tripper happy:
Kirikou and the Sorceress
The fact that you couldn't even understand what I meant by using a little thing called COMMON SENSE, tells me alot about your character.....

You fucking imbecile.
i'm saying MOST people havent seen MOST of the movies listed... the thread isn't "best movies tripper has never seen." pretty much the intent of your original post was to be an ass, so i responded.... i'm glad your argument collapsed down to the ol' "it's common sense" though.

and i haven't seen you name any films we haven't heard of
...and I'm saying maybe not MOST but MANY people have seen the films listed, meaning that they don't fit into the catergory of "The Best Movies That Most People Have Never Heard Of."

This Quote:

Originally Posted by Buttwolf
anyway, to make tripper happy:
Kirikou and the Sorceress
....Indicates that you do understand what I am saying, and that your side of the argument just plain doesn't exist anymore.

Well done, pigeon-fucker.

Originally Posted by bwolf
pretty much the intent of your original post was to be an ass
The intent of my original post was to point out something. Don't be so pathetic.

Originally Posted by bwolf
i'm glad your argument collapsed down to the ol' "it's common sense" though.
YOU brought it down to the ol' "it's common sense" argument, when you couldn't use yours to understand what my original point was.

You need a fucking tutor to help you through these threads, don't you?

Good Luck, Baby Huey.
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Default 02-05-2004, 11:10 PM

Originally Posted by Tripper
...and I'm saying maybe not MOST but MANY people have seen the films listed, meaning that they don't fit into the catergory of "The Best Movies That Most People Have Never Heard Of."
way to try to be smart:
This is what you just said... "maybe not MOST [...] have seen the films," you don't think that most people have seen the films... thus they fit perfectly in the "The Best Movies That MOST People Have Never Heard Of" thread..... case closed IDIOT

Originally Posted by Tripper
....Indicates that you do understand what I am saying, and that your side of the argument just plain doesn't exist anymore.
i said to make you happy... not to make the forum happy.... i know perfectly well what you want... and what you want is stupid. So i posted a film that i'm willing to bet no member of aa has ever seen, thus leaving very little room to discuss and so it's pretty much pointless to put it.

Originally Posted by Tripper
Well done, pigeon-fucker.
i've never had such relations with a pigeon... not really sure if that's even possible... i suppose you would know.

Originally Posted by Tripper
The intent of my original post was to point out something. Don't be so pathetic.
good argument

and way to change my name to buttwolf in one of the quotes... your maturity level is through the roof... not that i expect anything more from anyone on the internet

now go to bed sweetheart, you know how you get cranky in the morning
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Default 02-05-2004, 11:30 PM

Originally Posted by bwolf
Originally Posted by Tripper
...and I'm saying maybe not MOST but MANY people have seen the films listed, meaning that they don't fit into the catergory of "The Best Movies That Most People Have Never Heard Of."
way to try to be smart:
This is what you just said... "maybe not MOST [...] have seen the films," you don't think that most people have seen the films... thus they fit perfectly in the "The Best Movies That MOST People Have Never Heard Of" thread..... case closed IDIOT

Originally Posted by Tripper
....Indicates that you do understand what I am saying, and that your side of the argument just plain doesn't exist anymore.
i said to make you happy... not to make the forum happy.... i know perfectly well what you want... and what you want is stupid. So i posted a film that i'm willing to bet no member of aa has ever seen, thus leaving very little room to discuss and so it's pretty much pointless to put it.

Originally Posted by Tripper
Well done, pigeon-fucker.
i've never had such relations with a pigeon... not really sure if that's even possible... i suppose you would know.

Originally Posted by Tripper
The intent of my original post was to point out something. Don't be so pathetic.
good argument

and way to change my name to buttwolf in one of the quotes... your maturity level is through the roof... not that i expect anything more from anyone on the internet

now go to bed sweetheart, you know how you get cranky in the morning

Okay, now you just sound like an UTTER ASS.....What you're doing is grabbing for straws as some kind of desperate measure. This is terribly pathetic. ....But by all means, continue...

Let's take a gander at your patheticness, shall we?

Originally Posted by bwolf
way to try to be smart:
This is what you just said... "maybe not MOST [...] have seen the films," you don't think that most people have seen the films... thus they fit perfectly in the "The Best Movies That MOST People Have Never Heard Of" thread..... case closed IDIOT
I love it how you put "[...]," leaving an important part of my statement out, just so you can prove your illogical point.

Originally Posted by bwolf
So i posted a film that i'm willing to bet no member of aa has ever seen
Congratufuckinglations - You've realised the point of this thread......Or have you?

Originally Posted by bwolf
i've never had such relations with a pigeon... not really sure if that's even possible... i suppose you would know.
^ A Typical last-ditch effort attempt at getting the best of someone, by attacking someones insult words. A true indication of a losing side. Also a true indication of a pathetic loser.

Originally Posted by bwolf
and way to change my name to buttwolf in one of the quotes... your maturity level is through the roof... not that i expect anything more from anyone on the internet

now go to bed sweetheart, you know how you get cranky in the morning
...and you're simply the pinnacle of maturity. GG Hypocrite.
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Default 02-05-2004, 11:34 PM

Falling down is pretty good. I own that. As well as Donnie Darko. Great film. Donnie Darko didn't make you think, vVolf?

I can name a whole whack of movies that I doubt anyone here has seen. If they have i'd be very suprised.

¿Bin ich schön? - Had to import this from China for Region 0 encoding even though its a German film.

American Cousins - A British film I saw at the Calgary International Film Festival

Cube - Good Canadian film

Das Experiment - Another German film that you can actually find at blockbuster. About the stanford prsion experiments.

Gloomy Sunday: Ein Lied von Liebe und Tod - Beautiful film I saw at the Calgary International film Festival

Heaven - a Italian/German film. Another of Tykwers pieces.

And the movie I absolutley know nobody here has seen is

A Rózsa énekei - it's a film from hungary. Very cool. I actually wrote the only comment for this film on IMDB.
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Default 02-05-2004, 11:35 PM

I saw cube...theres like a cube 2 now too.

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Default 02-05-2004, 11:45 PM

Yeah Cube 2 came out in '02 and their making a third called Cube Zero. I own both Cube and Cube 2: Hypercube. Cube Zero should be out late this year.
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Default 02-06-2004, 12:20 AM


and bwolf dont even try flaming tripper, youll lose
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Default 02-06-2004, 02:01 AM

LOL you guys are funny biggrin:
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Default 02-06-2004, 02:12 AM


I'm not wasting my time commenting on your post line by line, cause we're getting off track and it's gone to far... so let's look at the simple facts:
Gonzo created a thread entitled "The best movie that most people never heard of" and his post was simply "Deuces Wild." I think we can agree Gonzo was simply stating he thought that Deuces Wilf is the best movie most of us have never heard of. People start to post their favorite movies that they think most people have never heard of. You said yourself:
Originally Posted by Tripper
I'm saying maybe not MOST but MANY people have seen the films listed
You admit that most people have not seen the movies that people are listing. Here's where it gets confusing, hopefully you can explain this, you earlier said:
[quote:1be5a]These aren't even films that no-one has ever heard of......

Just because they're independent or festival films, doesn't mean no one has heard of newbs.[/quote:1be5a]
So one minute you think they aren't films that most haven't seen, then you think they are films that most of seen; lots of inconsistancy. My explaination, is you felt the need to be a complete ass and just call people newbs for no real reason... just cause you're Tripper. Your explaination is that you were pointing something out... pointing something out that you yourself don't actually believe and calling people newbs in the process.

I imagine you'll say something about how I chickened out by not arguing with everyone of your statements in your last post, so if that's what you want, you can pm cause i doubt people want to read our crap... I should have done this a while ago, oh well.

Good night.
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Default 02-06-2004, 02:13 AM

[quote="Bullitt Tooth":93e41]Mr.Stich

and bwolf dont even try flaming tripper, youll lose[/quote:93e41]

thanks for the advice... it isn't flaming so much as debating (at least it wasn't my intent).
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Default 02-06-2004, 12:20 PM

Originally Posted by bwolf

I'm not wasting my time commenting on your post line by line, cause we're getting off track and it's gone to far... so let's look at the simple facts:
Gonzo created a thread entitled "The best movie that most people never heard of" and his post was simply "Deuces Wild." I think we can agree Gonzo was simply stating he thought that Deuces Wilf is the best movie most of us have never heard of. People start to post their favorite movies that they think most people have never heard of. You said yourself:
Originally Posted by Tripper
I'm saying maybe not MOST but MANY people have seen the films listed
You admit that most people have not seen the movies that people are listing. Here's where it gets confusing, hopefully you can explain this, you earlier said:
[quote:2f9eb]These aren't even films that no-one has ever heard of......

Just because they're independent or festival films, doesn't mean no one has heard of newbs.
So one minute you think they aren't films that most haven't seen, then you think they are films that most of seen; lots of inconsistancy. My explaination, is you felt the need to be a complete ass and just call people newbs for no real reason... just cause you're Tripper. Your explaination is that you were pointing something out... pointing something out that you yourself don't actually believe and calling people newbs in the process.

I imagine you'll say something about how I chickened out by not arguing with everyone of your statements in your last post, so if that's what you want, you can pm cause i doubt people want to read our crap... I should have done this a while ago, oh well.

Good night.[/quote:2f9eb]


I can't believe this - Do I need to blast your fucking brain with a pulse cannon to make you understand? What fucking school did you go to? I'm going to track down who ever taught you and shoot out their fucking eyes, because they have played a hand in destroying humanity by creating drones of utter stupidity (You).


Originally Posted by bwolf
So one minute you think they aren't films that most haven't seen, then you think they are films that most of seen; lots of inconsistancy.
What's inconsistent about that? Means the same thing. BUT - I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and pretend that "haven't" was a mis-type, as it most probably was....

Please quote me, wherever I said that I thought these films had been seen by MOST people.




You still with me? You want me to smack you in the back of the head with a hammer to tremor your tiny fucking brain? Maybe start it up again.....?


These films listed are films that have been seen by a lot of people, maybe not the majority like blockbuster films are, but by alot of people - The idea of this thread is to post films that you don't think many people have seen, that you liked. Do you get it?


Films like Donnie Darko have won serious amounts of awards and are reknowned as great festival films. To have a film be reknowned, it must be seen by a lot of people.

Look at Ninty9's post - He has done it correctly. What is so hard to understand? If you don't like it - Big fucking deal, but don't try and drag me down into your bottomless pit of IGNORANCE.

Now - Do everyone a favour and get on the waiting list for a LABOTOMY - Please do something, anything, about your fucking mind which certainly works in mysterious ways.
Either that, or go do a fucking COMPREHENSION course. Dumbface.
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Default 02-06-2004, 12:55 PM

Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by bwolf

I'm not wasting my time commenting on your post line by line, cause we're getting off track and it's gone to far... so let's look at the simple facts:
Gonzo created a thread entitled "The best movie that most people never heard of" and his post was simply "Deuces Wild." I think we can agree Gonzo was simply stating he thought that Deuces Wilf is the best movie most of us have never heard of. People start to post their favorite movies that they think most people have never heard of. You said yourself:
Originally Posted by Tripper
I'm saying maybe not MOST but MANY people have seen the films listed
You admit that most people have not seen the movies that people are listing. Here's where it gets confusing, hopefully you can explain this, you earlier said:
[quote:fbb98]These aren't even films that no-one has ever heard of......

Just because they're independent or festival films, doesn't mean no one has heard of newbs.
So one minute you think they aren't films that most haven't seen, then you think they are films that most of seen; lots of inconsistancy. My explaination, is you felt the need to be a complete ass and just call people newbs for no real reason... just cause you're Tripper. Your explaination is that you were pointing something out... pointing something out that you yourself don't actually believe and calling people newbs in the process.

I imagine you'll say something about how I chickened out by not arguing with everyone of your statements in your last post, so if that's what you want, you can pm cause i doubt people want to read our crap... I should have done this a while ago, oh well.

Good night.

I can't believe this - Do I need to blast your fucking brain with a pulse cannon to make you understand? What fucking school did you go to? I'm going to track down who ever taught you and shoot out their fucking eyes, because they have played a hand in destroying humanity by creating drones of utter stupidity (You).


Originally Posted by bwolf
So one minute you think they aren't films that most haven't seen, then you think they are films that most of seen; lots of inconsistancy.
What's inconsistent about that? Means the same thing. BUT - I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and pretend that "haven't" was a mis-type, as it most probably was....

Please quote me, wherever I said that I thought these films had been seen by MOST people.




You still with me? You want me to smack you in the back of the head with a hammer to tremor your tiny fucking brain? Maybe start it up again.....?


These films listed are films that have been seen by a lot of people, maybe not the majority like blockbuster films are, but by alot of people - The idea of this thread is to post films that you don't think many people have seen, that you liked. Do you get it?


Films like Donnie Darko have won serious amounts of awards and are reknowned as great festival films. To have a film be reknowned, it must be seen by a lot of people.

Look at Ninty9's post - He has done it correctly. What is so hard to understand? If you don't like it - Big fucking deal, but don't try and drag me down into your bottomless pit of IGNORANCE.

Now - Do everyone a favour and get on the waiting list for a LABOTOMY - Please do something, anything, about your fucking mind which certainly works in mysterious ways.
Either that, or go do a fucking COMPREHENSION course. Dumbface.[/quote:fbb98]

wow.... someone needs to relax and start to actually read. let's ignore all the parts where you just go on and on about how i'm stupid...

how many times must i quote when you said most people haven't seen the films listed... one more time, maybe you should actually read it instead of being an idiot...ok, can you do that... read?
Originally Posted by Tripper
I'm saying maybe not MOST but MANY people have seen the films listed
you're saying that MANY people have seen the movies, but MOST have not. Can you read it, or should i post it again? clearly you're slow. Anyone who knows a decent amount of english can see your quote can be rewritten as, "I'm saying maybe not MOST people have seen the movies listed, but MANY people have seen the films listed." We can now seperate the first independent clause, still with me?, and see "I'm saying maybe not most people have seen the movies listed." Are you happy now? It's like I'm talking with a fricken 4 year old.

Now before you brought in the point of the forum. Now you're saying:
Originally Posted by Tripper

These films listed are films that have been seen by a lot of people, maybe not the majority like blockbuster films are, but by alot of people - The idea of this thread is to post films that you don't think many people have seen, that you liked. Do you get it?
See, you're an idiot... clearly by the title of the thread, the idea is to post movies that MOST people haven't heard of, not many people. And i know you are well aware of the title, since you told me "Funny how the thread title is.... THE BEST MOVIE THAT MOST PEOPLE HAVE NEVER HEARD OF..."

Now stop trying to argue cause you're getting very desperate. I mean your last post was half you going on and on about how i'm stupid and the other half is making false claims about me not quoting you, when i have done so now far too many times.... how bout you actually go back and read this again, cause i'm sure by now you're trying to think of some other animal-fucker name to call me instead of actually realising how wrong you are. now grow up and admit you made a mistake. [/i]
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Default 02-06-2004, 12:58 PM

Are you two quite done? rolleyes:

Talk about fucking obscure movies or shut it. You're both coming off as extremely retarded...not just one or the other.  247
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Default 02-06-2004, 01:02 PM

we should be done, but he keeps trying to fight back for some reason... it's sad.

how about:
The Big Combo - a nice classic film noir
Papillion - old school dustin hoffman and steve mcqueen
Kirikou and the Sorceress - Senegalese animated; french
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Default 02-06-2004, 01:04 PM

bWolf scared of Zoner...

Great modding zoner...Buckweed would of let this go on for ages.

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