Originally Posted by bwolf
]how many times must i quote when you said most people haven't seen the films listed...
Funny how I actually asked you to post a quote of me saying THE EXACT OPPOSITE.
Is it sinking in yet?
...And you wonder why I spend so much time insulting you and your stupidity. hake:
Originally Posted by bwolf
you're saying that MANY people have seen the movies, but MOST have not. Can you read it, or should i post it again? clearly you're slow. Anyone who knows a decent amount of english can see your quote can be rewritten as, "I'm saying maybe not MOST people have seen the movies listed, but MANY people have seen the films listed." We can now seperate the first independent clause, still with me?, and see "I'm saying maybe not most people have seen the movies listed." Are you happy now? It's like I'm talking with a fricken 4 year old.
You're seperating two "independent clauses" that go hand in hand.
Stop attacking the way I argue, and bring a valid point to the table.
The fact remains, and has
Most people HAVEN'T seen the films, but MANY HAVE, and because MANY is ALOT, it means that they don't fit into the catergory of films that THIS THREAD IS ASKING FOR....
The REASON I was sceptical about saying MOST people had, was because I can't think of any movie, blockbuster or not, in the history of the world, that I can safely say has been seen by MOST people. BUT - I can safely say MANY people have seen the more popular movies, because I don't need to look up statistics to say that.
Unless you're a fucking mathmatician, you can't safely say MOST PEOPLE OF THE WORLD HAVE SEEN THIS FILM.
You CAN say MANY, because MANY is an open statement for A LOT OF PEOPLE.
The only reason I have to type this shit out is because you're some kind of fucking anal retentive ASSHOLE, who must have EVERY FUCKING WORD RIGHT, IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND IT.
In my opinion - You know you're wrong and you're fighting a losing argument, but because you have too much pride to admit it, you decide to attack the way I type up my argument and which words I choose to use.
Please give up, you're just making the argument petty and pathetic, because you're making me defend the way I use the english language.