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JwSPiTFiRE is Offline
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Default 02-07-2002, 06:00 AM

Hey guys......
Just wanted to appoligize..... i guess maybe i should get my facts streight before i open my mouth.... and the rest of you ....u dont have to talk crap back to me....just tell me that i was wrong. And for the CKR maker....i also appoligize for bad mouthing you mod....i realize you did put in alot of time for this of luck to you and i will be checkin out your mod. Again sorry guys.... ill see you all around..


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> The only ones who have seen the end of the war, have died<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
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Crow King is Offline
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Default 02-07-2002, 06:20 AM

I'm glad to hear some folks are looking forward to playing the mod. I played it for the first time tonight outside of my test server and I'll withold my (biased) opinions. I would like to hear from you, though. My e-mail is


I didn't modify any of the physics variables around the grenades except for the upper end of the toss velocity, but if enough folks think they're acting silly, I'll see what I can do.

Re: copying CPR, CKR is not a copy of CPR. CPR did a good job of addressing many of the gross problems with the original multiplay to make it less arcade like. CKR is a realism mod in the true sense of the word. I like to play CPR when I want a little more forgiving game. I will play CKR when I'm serious about it. I don't play the unmodded game unless I can't find a good realism server.

There are quite a few differences and all I can say is, play it and see for yourself. The weapons are properly scaled in power and lethality (which they were not in CPR). The starting ammo is right. You can't reload a weapon with an internal clip like you were dropping BBs in your BB gun. The shotgun uses the right ammo for the time. You have to arm your rocket before you can fire it (and each is relatively timed appropriately). The Weaver scope of the 03 is 2.5x and crappy (like it really was). The 98k is more accurate. The bolt throws are identical for the 98ks. Blah, blah, blah.

There are still a lot of "unreal" things in the game and I'll tackle them when I can. But I wanted to get this out so folks who wanted something like it would have a choice. These "mods" aren't really mods at all, just little toys to keep us busy until the tools become available to really mod the game. Enjoy!!


"If your philosophy does not produce corn, I don't want to hear about it." - Red Bear
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Patton is Offline
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Default 02-07-2002, 06:24 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JwSPiTFiRE:
MANNNNNNN.....ALL THIS GUY DID WAS COPY ELVITES CPR REALISM MOD! Elvite was the first and original person to start the realsim mod.....check his out..his is the best out there......This guy just stole all of elvites stuff and called it a different name.... see he calls is ckr lol haha the original is cpr.....Everyone go to Burning Bridge..the best cpr room me on this one...i know elvite and i know this guy is just copying him.


Might I suggest you grow up? He changed alot. He worked hard on it. Lets not get into this 'mod rivalry.' We don't need that shit. Its server side, so the clients don't even need it. More realism is good, so if they're running CPR or CKR, I don't care, as long as it works. From what I see here, I like CKR's realism mod alot more. He implemented a way to stop the omaha sniping (I think... the scope zoom is what does it) and he made a way to make rockets realistic but still useful. CPR is still good, but CKR is just as good.

Don't be an ass because he made "another" realism mod. If you don't like it, don't run it on your server. And thats even IF you run a server. Ass.

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WileyP is Offline
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Default 02-07-2002, 06:24 AM

No problems from me JW...i'll be lookin for you.

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WileyP is Offline
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Default 02-07-2002, 07:47 AM

I don't think any game or version of a game is being force on anyone to play it.

Some of you amaze me with your rants about the subject.

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Mange is Offline
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Default 02-07-2002, 08:52 AM

Right on Patton. I didn't like the CPR mod that much, but I am willing to try this one. Hopefully servers will have it soon so I can.

~Pvt MaNgE~
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Default 02-07-2002, 09:11 AM

LOL to suggest that the corporation with the big designers even qualifies for realistic is just plain silly. Anyone who plays the normal mod knows it is not remotely realistic in terms of weapon damage. They were looking for something that would be fun to play, that kids could play and not feel like they can't live for 10 seconds before somebody wacks them.

But some of use WANT realism. WANT a game where one round from an M-1 kills you, like it did in real life.

I like CPR a lot. I look forward to CKR. Burning Bridge IS the best server for what I like so far. Does not mean CKR servers won't also be fun to play. Don't know have not tried them. Had to stop playing for a few days cause I was dreaming I was in the game all night long. My knees hurt in the morning from running in my sleep for hours.

But I want to try Crow King's mod.

Also, I was the one who raised the question about the grenades traveling too far after impact as it is. Not sure how that was considered flaming or whatever. I was just surprised they would want them to travel even farther. That is certainly NOT realistic. But anyway, neither I nor anybody else said anything about them sticking to a wall or stopping dead. I just don't think they should behave like tennis balls or be able to be thrown over two story buildings and then roll and bounce for another 50 yards.

But as for Crow King and CPR (which I always thought stood for David Crosby's new band), the more experimenting with realism the better. Keep em coming
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newbieassulted is Offline
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Default 02-07-2002, 09:26 AM

Sounds promising... but i like the game by itself. (i hate snipers though so i guess ill have to download)

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Default 02-07-2002, 09:40 AM

JwSPiTFiRE... are you an idiot? Elvite's CPR... riiighhtt. Covak and Pooter's Realism... that's what CPR stands for numb nuts. I don't remember seeing a realism mod made by Elvite (there may be one... but I haven't seen it). You probably saw a server that had Elvite's and CPR in it (which means the server had Elvite's vote kick and CPR mods running). Please don't say anything unless you know what you're talking about... thank you.
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Overon is Offline
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Default 02-07-2002, 10:46 AM

If you look at the scripts and the contents of CPR and compare it to CKR you will see that no one "stole" anything from anyone else.

But there are similarities of course. That's because if you want to change the damage each bullet does from each gun, you change the same variable. That's not "stealing" anything.

Read the text files and compare them to see what has changed.

You will notice that the CKR mod has many of the same things the CPR mod has but the CKR has a lot more and is much more comprehensive. It addresses movement speeds, rocket reload speeds, weapons damage, starting ammo ammounts, sniper zooming amounts, sniper bolt speeds etc. Compare that toe the CPR mod and you will see which one is clearly superior.

That would be the CKR mod.

[This message has been edited by Overon (edited February 07, 2002).]
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HeatMiser is Offline
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Default 02-07-2002, 11:28 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Patton:
Might I suggest you grow up? He changed alot. He worked hard on it. Lets not get into this 'mod rivalry.' We don't need that shit. Its server side, so the clients don't even need it. More realism is good, so if they're running CPR or CKR, I don't care, as long as it works. From what I see here, I like CKR's realism mod alot more. He implemented a way to stop the omaha sniping (I think... the scope zoom is what does it) and he made a way to make rockets realistic but still useful. CPR is still good, but CKR is just as good.

Don't be an ass because he made "another" realism mod. If you don't like it, don't run it on your server. And thats even IF you run a server. Ass.


Nice pistol whippin' w/ yer pearl handles General. heh. I do agree w/ all that's said about CKR...CPR is good as well, but CKR does have a bit more fun to it. It just balances the MP game much better, eg. the sniper and bazooka modifiers. Also, I'm not a ballistics expert, but shouldn't take a .30 caliber round from an M-1 Garand, four hits before the receiving target drops. It's good to see everyone working so hard to help make the game that much more enjoyable. All servers should run anyone of these mods.

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WileyP is Offline
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Default 02-07-2002, 11:58 AM

Die Fledermause:

I didn't mean to come across as if you were flamein,sorry.

When I was a kid,there was a Army depot not far from where we lived. You could go out there and buy inert pineapples for a quarter.

Even being little guys playin Army,we could toss them a pretty good ways and they would roll a lot too.(ever been hit in the head with one?talk about a pop knot)

I'm sure anything the majority agrees that needs to be altered,ole Crow King can fix.

Shoot Low Boys
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quietstuckinlimbo is Offline
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Default 02-08-2002, 02:08 AM

Does this mod:

1. Get rid of sniper 'only' in Omaha.

2. Do you still die if you are shot in the foot - because that's not realistic.

Have you figured out how to change the specific damages of each body location - instead of just tweaking weapons?

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Crow King is Offline
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Default 02-08-2002, 02:58 AM

quiet -

To remove the sniper in the Omaha map only is probably going to require modifying the map script itself. This turns it into a client side mod, which must be downloaded by each person playing the game. Very difficult to coordinate. Without a selective ability to allocate weapons on the server side (it's all or nothing), I think the best way is to modify the rifle itself until it is more realistic for the map. There's a reason why the Allies didn't attack the beach with boat loads of snipers! We just need to keep adjusting things til they fit.

I've taken the first step by changing the scope to it's real world magnification. I tested it the other night on a server running CKR And it did reduce the problem, but I don't think it's quite there yet. The second step is to adjust accuracy and recoil. A shot that far across a windy beach involves a lot more than just centering the crosshair and pulling the trigger.

As for the "death from footshot" thing, have you actually seen it happen? I suppose it it possible, but when I get shot in the game, it's usually from a much more lethal spot. Is this a real problem or just a theoretical one? If you're experiencing it, let me know and I'll see what I can do.

The Q3 engine does track where you get hit and I know where the scripts are that track it in the single player game. I need to do some testing to see if I can affect MP and adjust damage via a script. If not, it will need to wait until we have better modding tools.


"If your philosophy does not produce corn, I don't want to hear about it." - Red Bear
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quietstuckinlimbo is Offline
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Default 02-08-2002, 03:35 AM

Yah it's for real, try sniping someone in the foot.

Yah limiting the sniper ability would work.
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