Originally Posted by Pyro
There are some therorists that say we are born with our mind as a black slate and the shit that happens in our life scopes what we choose to do...our attitudes, our personality, our sexual preferences.
ahhhhh Tabula Rosa (blank slate). Yeah John Locke had some pretty good theories during the European Enlightenment. He basically said everyone is affected by their environment. As you grow up and live your life, your personality is written on the 'blank slate'.
Someone said that guys turn gay "because they can't get pussy"...give me a break. I know countless girls that drool over some gay guys. They get all pissed that the gay man wasn't straight.
Personally, I find that people choose to be gay. I view it as the same level as prefrence with ice cream flavors or something meaningless like that. Choosing to be straight is just the more socially-correct thing to do. As we know, not many people try to go against society. An example of going with society would be bisexual girls. Alot of them just turn bi for it's the "cool thing to do". They figure that guys like to see girls kissing and they figure pleasure is pleasure. So, they turn bi by night for social fun and straight by day.
Just to state it again, I feel that being gay is totally by choice.