In CS and in the game Sin (old game) there was a level where u are really small (like and ant) and there would be like BIG book shelfs couches toilets, chairs, lamps, etc.. its as if u where shrunk in a room. Those levels are so much fun. I remember the Sin one its a room with a table, couch Book shelfs, and u can get really high almost to the roof and snipe off the Picture above the couch. CS i didnt play much but i remember seeing a map like that too. That would be really cool if EA could ad that.
So i guess u guys calling CS a fantasy game? Man CS is the greatest online game right now and has been for awhile has many great maps. One of them is one of these. Well since u guys come in here and just bash on me or what ever no point in me posting no more. It was just a comment idea guys chill out.
[This message has been edited by Gatz (edited February 08, 2002).]
heh id play a level like that, the irony is great, it would be so funny seeing world war 2 soldiers, in like a modern day living room.
such serious soldiers in such a wacky place