Personally, I think the flames aren't aimed so much at how long he plays MoH but at the fact that he felt the need to state it as part of his title and subject.
I know for a fact that I play MoH for 5 hours or more some days, but I'm not proud of it.
I have many other things that I prefer to do, but at this moment in time MoH is my favourite pass-time indoors.
I just don't go bragging about it (and by that I mean the length of time I play MoH as well as the fact that I have a life outside of it).
Madman, mate, you'd be better to just ask your question and have done with it. You'll find you'd get your answer a lot faster.
This thread really doesn't need to be more than 2-3 posts long, but the very fact you went on about your playing time made it much longer.
Needlessly so.