your right enigma it is a hack. you can become invinsible or invisiblw but at certain points in the game it is disabled for a second or less and when you kill that person the game can even crash that will only happen if the server is doing it though i dont even know if you can use a hack if your not a server. AND YOU SHOULDNT TRY EITHER CHEATING IN A MULTIPLAYER GAME IS FOR LAME NEWBIES WHO HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO THAN TO KILL HARD PLAYING PEOPLE AND THEN BRAG ABOUT THERE SCORES. I know someone that does this constatly. If you go to a game and you never see the server and and hes winning and it says he playing then hes probably using a hack. By the way thats the demo i dont know about the actual game.

"talk low, talk slow, snipe fast."-DOT
[This message has been edited by [BoB]-DOT (edited February 08, 2002).]