The only thing i see freakey in that pic is that ugly wallpaper...
This is just a guess of mine, but if ya want to read what i think it may be:
What you see there is most likley the programmers wording choice for a certan aspect of the game. For example, i have seen programmers use the term 'Children' as certan aspects of a game; we'll say that children means music. 'Parent' could mean the program that is used to load the music.
So basically what the sentence 'Not all children could find their parents' means, is just sompthing along the lines of 'The music for this particuallar sequence could not be loaded, because the music loader could not find the muisic loops'. As you can see, the later sentence is shorter, and that is why its used... Bare in mind, that it is probably not talking about music, this is just an example i have used...
Once again, this is just a guess, so if it is wrong, feel free to laugh, and call me names
[This message has been edited by TheBlazer (edited February 07, 2002).]