hey, ive had cable for almost two years now and been hosting games for most of that time and it rawks! but, the ping that someone has shouldnt have anything to do with the ping that others on your server have!!!!! I know, its apparent that high pingers DO cause others on my server to have higher ping, but this is the fault of the netcode and/or server settings that need to be adjusted. There is no logical reason for a server to behave like that. servers all over the world handle requests from connections of all varieties and they dont go freakin nuts when someone dials in.......
for now, we must restrict the high pingers, but we should be angry about that. these are gamers like us!! instead of screaming at them when they try to join in the game, we should lobby 2015, EA and ID to give us some pointers on inporving the netcode/server performance of our servers!!!
get smart....banning high pingers is a hack method of solving this problem.
[This message has been edited by handgrenade (edited February 08, 2002).]
do you not use a space in your game name can this cause problems? I have dsl and when i connect to a game say about 150 ping average if that i lag behind some of the other players, some times i shoot a guy with 10 rounds from a BAR befor he drops or he hits me with one shot.I live in St.Louis and i do use a space in my game name.
Please...I remember the days when I had 56k.
I respected the others and left when I was asked.
Those days are over I have cable and host MOH.
Can someone please tell me how to kick these players with the spaces between their names. I know the standard " kick noname" command. But that doesnt work when their name is no name {note the space}.
Help please with this command!
[This message has been edited by CO791 (edited February 08, 2002).]
There is a modem technology called 'shotgun' where your computer uses 2 modems simultaneously for more speed (double?). I don't know anything about it, but you may want to look into it. It may bring your 56 kbps modem's effective speed from like 44 kbps to 88 kbps.