Originally Posted by Punky
OOOO My... I can't believe you found that thread... lol...
I am no longer with them... after that I said goood bye... I am still laughing that someone found that audio.... lol... oh my ... i was ready to read about someone elses fighting and all i had to do is look at the date of the audio and know what it was... HAHAHAA...too funny...
yeah... that really happened and yes now you all have more proof that i am female...hahaha.. oh shite...
the pancake bunny? is that what someone wants to see? hehe...
thanks for cheering me up boys! been a sad week for me.. my uncle had heart surgery today and i still haven't heard back from my mom to see if everything went ok...
but seeing this just made me laugh... and i needed it beer: thanks again boys!
Glad I could help ya out after scaring you with the fluffy purple penguin pic