My System is only 3 months old 1.5 ghz 516 ram nvidia vanta 16 bit and dsl. do i have to install open gl or is it part of the mohaa install? I did down load the newest vidio drivers.My os is xp. I get alot of lag online.
Online lag has nothing to do with OpenGl, it has to do with your internet connection (but you probably already knew that anyway). But anyway, you don't necessarily have to download OpenGl, its there in the game for you. How does the game run overall?
=[SE]= MSgt. Parchy
Screamin' Eagles
Company First Sgt.
The games play great. Just multiplayer sucks
with all the lag. Do you think they will ever fix it? hope they do anyway. I also tried to go host on multiplayer i set all settings but no one joins in wonder whats up with that.