acgreen, maybe Im wrong but my understanding is the distance between the comp and the orbiting satellite is what makes the latentcy so high on sat connections. The data has to make that jump 4 times to get from you to the server and back again. Hence its no good for gaming, believe me I've checked all my options and while sat would be good for downloads and streaming data it wont be any better than a modem if that good.
I actually have 2 modems in my comp now, a USR gaming modem and a ZOOM modem, both hardware and top rated. I switch between them if one isnt giving me what I think to be a good connection. Like I said, I play Tribes2 on the TWL ladder everyweek and gameplay is quite good. Hard for me to believe its my setup.
The state is building a school about 1/2 mile from me and the cable co usually provides schools here with cable, maybe I'll get a break soon.
Thx for keeping this a good thread and leaving the flames out guys, nice to see that on a forum!
[This message has been edited by Killet (edited February 10, 2002).]