I cant stand when i am in gamespy and i try and join a game and it says "server is running an old version" like what he hell man, why would you not want the new patch, this pisses me off, what do you guys think?
I suggest using "All Seeing Eye". It's like gamespy but much better. It even has a filter for which version you are looking for. Get it at http://www.udpsoft.com/eye/
Get over yourself; neither the people hosting a server nor the rest of the world owe you a damn thing. Whining about being inconvenienced because you can't log onto somebody else's server is a self-centered endeavor.
actually the in game browser should've had a filter for 1.1 only servers - but it does not have it.
And Gayspy DOES have a filter for 1.1 servers only - go to a lobby and get a list of servers, then click the MOH badge located above the serverlist - then select 1.1!!