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ribbs6 is Offline
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Default 02-09-2002, 04:21 AM

hello guys am i the only one that would like to be looking down the sights of my rifle at the enemy.this game needs more realism, and this would just add to the experience!operation flash point has this feature why cant mohaa???right now it feels like we are running around "shooting from the hip"i dont really use the sniper rifle that much, but it is really the only gun that makes you feel like you are firing a weapon......
i know there has to be more people out there that would enjoy this, if it done right....
i think all we need is the sniper view(with out the zoom, and the blacked out areas)then add the weapon.not the whole weapon, just what you would see "looking down the sites"to activate it , you would just"right click"like the sniper rifle on your mouse....i think it can be done. if someone is willing to give it a shot.hell i would love to give it a shot, just dont know where to start... if anyone has some ideas, or wants to help let me know.i really think this game needs this!
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S I R E is Offline
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Default 02-09-2002, 04:39 AM

Stike Force mod for UT has this shoulder function, U only need to click right mouse button to do so.
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Slanger_us is Offline
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Default 02-09-2002, 05:21 AM

thats a great idea, but who knows what problems that could cause too.
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ribbs6 is Offline
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Default 02-09-2002, 09:18 AM

i was just wondering if there was anyone out there working on a mod that would allow or require a person to shoulder there weapon to fire.granted not all the weapons need to be shoulderd to fire,but the people using the rifles and the thompsons could be an animated proscess(in one motion)or a switch to view, kinda like the sniper rifle.
on the rifles the cross hair could be completely removed, while the gun is not shouldered,requiring the player to shoulder the weapon to be accurate. the player could still fire the weapon from the "hip", but would be less accurate"without crosshairs"
(probably a server side mod?? i would like to hear some comments..... im not a modder just a gamer with some ideas.....
i think this would make the game a whole lot more"realistic"isnt that what alot of us are looking for?
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diablorini is Offline
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Default 02-09-2002, 09:33 AM

It sounds like a great idea...
If people like the idea.. get the MOD " if it ever gets made " if people dont like it..dont get the MOD..Aint MOD´s a nice way to get what YOU want for youre game..

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parchy is Offline
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Default 02-09-2002, 09:59 AM

You have to do that in WWII Online, and it's a disaster. The way you have to press about 40 million keys to get your gun up to your shoulder (I know that can be fixed) but worst of all, if you shoulder a weapon, your mobility is gone. You are just sitting there while someone can come up behind you and club you to death if they so wanted to. Believe me, I've done the "shouldering" deal, and you don't want it in this game... MOHAA is fine as is.

BTW.... firing from the hip is pretty much a non-option also. You will NEVER hit anything, no matter where you are pointing. The only way you can kill someone by firing from the hip is if it is point blank. Believe me, this is not the system you want in the game.


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[This message has been edited by parchy (edited February 09, 2002).]
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ribbs6 is Offline
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Default 02-09-2002, 10:29 AM

yes i realize that in wwii oline you lose all your mobility, but it dosent have to be in this game.however you dont want people running around with there gun shouldered all the time.a player should lose some sense of there surroundings ie some perifferal vision, like the sniper rifle.
and as for shooting from the "hip" with no crosshairs, you shouldnt be able to hit a damn thing(except at point blank range)that would force people to use it.hint the word "realism"
look it dosent have to be a three finger combo to get this to work....just assign it to the right mouse button or whatever. kinda like the secondary attack for the pistol.
the rifle is in the "unshouldered position"with no crosshairs,when you start off off , when you want to shoot you right mouse click and it either animates the rifle coming up to the shoulder, or a switched view"ie" sniper rifle would come not a modder, but i dont think it would be that hard to do, for people of that talent.i sure wish someone would give it a shot...
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retrac2w is Offline
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Default 02-09-2002, 11:12 AM

Yea, you'd have to make shouldering the weapon a pretty easy process for it to work.
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ribbs6 is Offline
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Default 02-10-2002, 03:36 AM

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Kai_Wren is Offline
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Default 02-11-2002, 06:36 AM

Shouldering is not a problem at all in the Strike Force mod for UT. The way it works is you hold down a button and then you can see your crosshair and you can still move, you just must walk. It really adds to the realism for example walking slowly down a flight of stairs with your weapon shouldered just feels bad ass. However, I think realism should just add it to their mod because it will never hit an official patch. They won't even add scope wobble...what chance does weapon shouldering have?
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Captain Canuck is Offline
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Default 02-11-2002, 06:48 AM

I thought of this myself. I couldn't understand what I was looking at when I say the M1 in my hands. Was I shooting from the hip or was I shouldering it?

I think a one motion, one key, shouldering option would be good. You could use for the more accurate shots (not that I need it, I'm amazing) or the already established method of 'off the hip'.

I like it, you have my vote.

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ribbs6 is Offline
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Default 02-14-2002, 12:16 AM

i dont know why someone couldnt give the m1 as an example a secondary view like the sniper rifle(without the zoom).when you have a weapon shouldered, you only see about half of the you are"looking down the sites"
granted a fluid animated motion would be awesome, but just a static image of the shouldered weapon would work also.
i can get into the pak files, but i dont know which one is the secondary sniper rifle view?? if anyone knows could you let me know thanx....
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Knight is Offline
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Default 02-14-2002, 12:27 AM

The "shoulder to aim" system is effectively used by Infiltration, a fantastic mod for UT.
You just press the alternate fire key and the weapon is raised in aiming position.
The great thing is that you aim thru the iron sights not a crappy xhair.
Also, if you move your weapon wobble a lot (and it get worse if you run).
The system works great, but to have it in MoHAA it will be required a complete remodelling & reskinnning od all the weapons.

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Default 02-14-2002, 12:29 AM

umm isn't there a WW2 total conversion for OFP planned? but the difference is OFP is a simulation and this is a FPS. FPS are not made to be realistic, they are made to entertain.
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[Roach][Knuts] is Offline
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Default 02-14-2002, 02:55 AM

Kngiht - why would you need to do that?


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