I dont know if you guys agree with me on this but I beat the game on Hard mode about 2 days ago and i cant get over this.
How many of you agree that the snow board missions (destroying the flack guns) was extremely boring? I kept finding myself wanting to get god mode just to get it done and over with.
The Village was cool once the action begun again but man that entire snow board sucked in my opinion.
Yeah I also thought the snow field sucks. Not only is it a boring, pain in the ass to walk around and find the guns, it somes no matter how hard you try they always spot you first....blah. Love the Game though!
Im not saying the game sucked im just saying the board sucked. Finding the guns sucked, they always spotted you before you spotted them also. Even if you "tree-jumped" i just thought that for all the action packed maps in SP they killed the rhythm of it all with the Flack-Gun map.
But no fear.... the last board was excellent except i felt it was too easy to just run up rambo style and still make it through in 1 piece.
yeah, I didn't like those first 2 levels in that mission. Not because it was hard but, imo because we played all those other great missions before, this one seemed kinda dull.
[This message has been edited by Dodd (edited February 09, 2002).]
hey guys i just beat the game and i thought it was awesome now i wanna try out the mulitplayer.....i need an ip....do u guys have ne i can use or play with?