<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shoegaze99: Shelly, the Chief and that Freakaloin character have a lot in common ... they're both incoherent twits. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
What right do you have calling us twits?
Just because we have a different opinion than your self-centered stuck up ass doesn't entile you to call us childish names.
Though it was tedious, I Loved the sniper town! The medic was great too have too . I espescailly like the music for that level, with the rain and lightning, to me it set up an incredible atmosphere.
So how do you beat that mission. i cannot find the damn flak guns and on top of that the stupid germans always see me first. I try to kill them but then i realize that i am surround by 5 or 6 Germans. And to top it off i cannot see them because their stupid camo it just too good. And i am playing on hard. Overall MOHAA is superb and *sniper town* was quite hard.
Can you imagine the whole game have the tension of sniper town...After playing though it several times..finally became sensitized as to where they all were...and finally completing it in hard mode saving all five men (judiciously quick-saving every time I moved 10 feet)....the reward "bazooka-medic" level was neat...
Wow, Shelly, as displayed in several other posts, your reading comprehension is staggeringly bad. Just amazingly poor.
For the record, when I said "Shelly, the Chief and that Freakaloin character have a lot in common ... they're both incoherent twits" I was *agreeing* with you when you called Chief Wigum to the carpet for failing to read the thread.
Did you get that, Shelly? I addressed you, and then commented about the Chief and Freak. Did you miss that?
But looking back on it, maybe your reading is more appropriate ...
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Oddball: IBut that snow field map was pretty freaky, those dog that were always barking got on my nerves alot!
Hehe, yeah that bugged me too. I always got the feeling that I was going to get rushed by a dog at any second, but they never came dammit!!
snow board serously sucked. Boring and not fun at all. U dont stand a chance!.
Siper town sucked at first and I was about to kick my computer into pieces but after alot of reloads i finally managed to find those damn snipers. Bu even so it was too long of a level .