So I guess the question is, is one able to mix and match ram speeds?
I see you've already bought the stuff but I'll chip in anyway. One point to remember when mixing up different speeds is that the faster RAM will be limited to the speed of your slowest stuff. (So your PC3200 is running @ PC2100 speed)
I added diff sized ram and had no problems, one thing pointed out to me when buying it tho is the
ram speed will be limited to the lowest stick, so an extra 512mb/pc3200 will = 512mb/pc2100
...or so I'm told...anyways, you'll have at least have doubled your ram and it's all good.
EDIT: LOL! biggrin: ...paused mid post to batten down teh hatches as a major thunderstorm hits...
only to see Mr.Buttocks has already popped out that nugget of info...GG Buttocks!! beer:
well, i have a RAM question of my own, sorry to "hijack" your thread ninty9, but i think its pretty much the same topic.
Im getting a new computer in a few months, totally custom.
money isnt too much of a factor, as long as its not astronomical.
im planning on getting a nice motherboard (also debating a 64bit processor, which affects the motherboard type) but my main question is what would be a good motherboard and best type of RAM? im planning on gaming and photoshopping on the computer, so it should be able to handle HL2 etc.
I have the deluxe model of that Mobo, great should be able to handle it no problem, only thing is the faster RAM will clock itsself down to match up with the 2100... i have 1152MB of 2100 in mine and it runs great.