the assignment was to alter an original by adding or taking away from a master work. in the daumier i combined two daumier lithographs ... this is the original :
the couple in the bed plus whats behind them was added. i did mess with the perspective of the bathroom some ... bring it closer so that you can see more or deeper inside. freak:
during some french revolution in the 1800s the french army was moving thru a town when some soldiers were shot by milita. the general ordered the men to go into the town where the soldier were to shoot and kill all the civilians, hence the drawing.
In 1830, after learning the still fairly new process of lithography, he began to contribute political cartoons to the anti-government weekly Caricature. He was an ardant Republican and was sentenced to six months' imprisonment in 1832 for his attacks on Louis-Philippe, whom he represented as `Gargantua swallowing bags of gold extorted from the people'. On the suppression of political satire in 1835 he began to work for Charivari and turned to satire of social life, but at the time of the 1848 revolution he returned to political subjects. He is said to have made more than 4,000 lithographs, wishing each time that the one he had just made could be his last. In the last years of his life he was almost blind and was saved from destitution by Corot.