lol im not struggling i am telling people out there who think they need to upgrade ill tell u this now i ran mohaa on a 233 mmx with 32 meg pci geofrce 2 mx 200 n 64 megs pc100 ram it only ran 25 fps but it ran my point is for people to give tips out to those who cannot afford to upgrade y would i want to upgrade there isnt a game i cannot run out on the market and my system will be able to run anygame easily for the next 3 years sure i might upgrade to 500 mg of ddr but thats a cheap and minor upgrade people dont have to waste hundreds of dollars i just built that machine by the way for 230 bucks all new parts

the point of the original post for the ones who couldnt understand was it doesnt take brand new anything to run mohaa quake 3 was meant to run on a 233mmx or to the equal of its a low end comp

i played quake 3 all the time on my old 233 even sof lol
Why is Jesus the almighty father? Was I forgotten? The son of Christ!