MadRebel, stop promoting yourself.
I can use any weapon in any game and still come out with a 2 to 1 K/D on a bad day. That is beside the point...
Your right about the other games making the sniper harder at a distance...THATS THE WHOLE DAM POINT. Right now, there is no descrimination for distance in the sniper weapon.
You dismiss the sniper rifle, but bitch about the same thing in the shotty and rocket...
The difference between the Sniper Vs. Rocket/Shotty problem is that those weapons have a handycap at a distance. Shotty is ineffective, Rocket veers off course and you can see it coming and take cover.
I am not talking about just a little sway.
I am talking about making it dam hard to shoot right unless you are in position.
No crosshair if not scoped
Aim off if it is not scoped
WAY off if you are walking
WAAAAAAYYYYY off if you are running or strafing.
No more strafing from corner to corner non-stop while capping without consequence.
I am happy for you that you consider yourself good, but please think and contribute next time you post something.
[This message has been edited by BoBoZoBo (edited February 14, 2002).]