Originally Posted by Acideyez
"hey whats your friends name?"
"Dick army"
"pfffff HAAHHAHAhaHAHHAHAHAAH, no seriously whats his name"
"Dick army"
"pffff AHHAHAHhAAHHAhaah, whats your wife's name, Vagina Coastguard?"
"Im here to see the Colonel"
"He be dead"
"No, no, the Colonel"
"What be wrong wit you i tell you he be dead"
(annoyed look on peters face)
I thought it went like this:
"I'm here to see the Colonel"
"He Dead"
"(slower)The COLONEL...."
"What wrong wit- you?? I say you he dead."
don't remember the 'be' being there, probably wrong though..
edit: Ohhh and this one:
"Peter, no one in this family's a side show.. Atleast not anymore..."
(lowis again but young and stout)"Me likey bouncyyyy me likey bouncy"