MOH needs alot of fixin. I just played 2hours of dod2.0 and i must say that that game really owns moh right now. If moh had the gameplay and mechanics of dod, it would be one of the greatest of all time.
Why play a top notch fps like dod and then return to rocket launchers, shotguns and the sniper whores of moh. Im sorry but the quake, individualistic, circular map, non team play shit is getting really old. That shit is played out like the jerri curl.
Its time for some real shit, id love to see the gameplay of dod applied in some way to moh. I just got to bitch cause i paid my cash for the game, and i was a bit dissappointed. But it is in its baby stages, so im not going to rag on it to much.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by raven6: HAVE FUN PLAYING DOD WITH THOSE GAMBOY GRAPHICS<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
the words of a very ignorant child
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by raven6: HAVE FUN PLAYING DOD WITH THOSE GAMBOY GRAPHICS<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Nice way to make yourself look like a retard.
Since when do good graphics=good gameply and bad graphics= terrible gameplay?
Besides, for the Half-Life engine, DoD really does some amazing stuff with it!
And considering Day of Defeat was created by people who did not have the resources of a professional developer's house at their command, it is an impressive accomplishment.
I would like to see not just modders, but those pros doing MoH expansions packs, to take a few cues from DoD in designing new multiplayer schemes. The two games combined would be awe-inspiring, to say the least.
Yeah but look at the D-Day. MOH:AA has the best d-day. DOD 2.0 dosn't have the boats moving for a long time. It does not have GREAT motar sounds. You have to blow up the shingles like they really did it. The D-Day is just very good. LOL thats why I bought MOH:AA DOD has a some good sounds. I love how there is limited snipers etc