I emailed the Steve guy yesterday, and got this awesome reply. I told him how I lived in Texas also, and other things, it's pretty sexy.
From: "n/a n/a" <thedancingleprechaun@hotmail.com> Add to Address Book
Subject: Re: Eli Adventures
Date: Sat, 08 May 2004 13:05:53 -0500
Hi there friend! I am so happy that you found the webpage my friend and
made. This is Steve typing to you, Matt will be gone for the next three
weeks buying cool gear for our new adventures. Right now we plan just
stick around Eli, but soon we will travel elsewhere. In about a week I
update the site with the pics Matt and I took before he left. I hope to
a message board, and all that great stuff. Also I am glad to see that
are from Texas also, I hope you can come meet us, we could have lots
lots of fun. Better yet maybe we can come visit you for one of our
"Adventures"!!!!!!! THANKS FOR LOOKING AT THE
So maybe I will uh see them, and get them to sign my shirt.................