I was at some server the other day and I saw that when a player switched to grenades or handgun that his primary weapon would strap around his back. Is this some kind of server side mod or what, and where can I get it. I also need to find a curse filter for my clan server. flamethrower:
he prolly wants it cus his clans full of kids. autokick and ci filter the names but not what the people type
i know how to fiter what they type but i'm to lazy to type how.
Swear Filter can be found [url=http://www.alliedassault.com/pafiledb/pafiledb.php?action=file&id=1207:b83d8]here[/url:b83d8]
Regarding weapons being holstered on the back. Simply go into the weapon .tik files and near the top you will see holster tags. Simply remove the // in front of the 4 lines for the holster information and you will have the weapons positioned on the player's back when they holster. All primary weapons will be on the back. Grenades will be holstered on the chest and pistols on the hip.