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elstatec is Offline
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Default 05-13-2004, 06:36 PM

omfg halo 2. the multiplayer screens. fuck all those other games.

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Default 05-13-2004, 06:39 PM

RE4 rock:

Leon comes back...w00t
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Default 05-13-2004, 06:42 PM

Hopefully this time he doesn't look like a fruit.
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KTOG is Offline
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Default 05-13-2004, 06:58 PM

STALKER will own if they get the enviroment right.
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Default 05-13-2004, 07:09 PM

Originally Posted by Ferich
Hopefully this time he doesn't look like a fruit.

Talk about heart throb!
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Cyberdoc is Offline
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Default 05-13-2004, 07:11 PM

Looks like Leo Dicaprio.

and yeah, STALKER looks hot.
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Default 05-13-2004, 07:16 PM

re1 + re2 +maybe code veronica. thats when they should of ended it/.

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Default 05-13-2004, 07:22 PM

Originally Posted by 5T4T1C
omfg halo 2. the multiplayer screens. fuck all those other games.
yeah i have that vid, can hold and shoot 2 weapons at same time and vehicles take and show damage, looks pretty damn cool to me
brothers in arms looks pretty cool too, have that vid too
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Default 05-13-2004, 10:13 PM

Damn, I wish I could be at E3. Games I'm lookin forward to:

(Xbox) Halo 2
(PC) Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault (September 1st 2004?!?! Frick!)
(Xbox) Brothers In Arms
(Xbox) Full Spectrum Warrior
(Xbox) GTA: San Andreas
(Xbox) GoldenEye: Rogue Agent (November 2nd, 2004)
(PC) America's Army: Special Forces
(Xbox) Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic II - The Sith Lords
(PC) Call of Duty: United Offensive
(Xbox) Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow (August 2004)
(Xbox) Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2 (Q3, 2004)
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Machette is Offline
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Default 05-13-2004, 10:20 PM

hmmm the movies looks very interesting...
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Madmartagen is Offline
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Default 05-14-2004, 12:30 AM

I just got back from E3 a couple of hours ago, and it was amazing. It was my first time, and I definately plan on going again tomrrow and every year from now on. I Woke up at 5am. Left OC at 5:45, arrived in LA at around 7, registered at 8. Ate breakfast and the event started at 10am. I was up for almost 5 hours getting ready to go to the damn thing im finally getting in. First off, I have to say, it is so fucking hot in there. Some booths like Konami, ATI, Codemasters and some others were gracious to have their a/c on but it was so stuffy in there, I was sweating the whole time. It was pretty crowded in there today, and I didnt get to play all the games I wanted to, but I did play some good ones, bad ones and managed to look at just about every booth for a bit. Ok the games I did play were Thief Deadly Shadows rock: , Soldiers: Heroes of WW2 rock: , World of Warcraft calmdown: , Metal Slug 4 rock: , Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater eek: and some others, I will try to remember them later. Deadly Shadows was awesome, very worth of the 4 years I have been waiting. Same cast, same/new tools, incredible environment, 1rst/3rd person view, and the Eidos area was flooded with some really hot women. I was chatting with a nice woman from Ion Storm and she was walking me through it all: In addition to Garret having his robotic eye, you can now zoom in and out with it. Also, you can get gloves with the spikes (i forget what they are called) so you can scale walls. You get this item later in the game though. I didnt see a sword in this one, they seem to have replaced it with a dagger instead. Also, they changed the way Garrett picks locks now, instead of just holding down the mouse button, you have to manipulate a 'lock picking meter' displayed on your screen when lockpicking to finish opening the door. It was difficult to understand, so I just smashed the door down with my blackjack happy: . You will have to be more active in terms of lockpicking, I guess. I was talking to some cute girl from Eidos and she gave me a thief shirt for me and my girl. rock: I played Hitman: Contracts, but it was for the Xbox and so I quickly lost interest in the damn thing. Next I strolled over to the codemasters section and I played Soldiers: Heroes of WW2. This game was awesome, but I didnt have enough time to figure out how to really play the hell out of it. It is alot like the Commandos series published by Eidos, but you get to interact alot more with artillery, tanks and stuff like that. The explosions are awesome, and with the tank you can reduce just about everything, including terrain, to rubble and craters. After that, I went over to the SNK section and played the hell out of Metal slug 2,3 and 4 for a couple of hours and scored a cool poster. I walked over to the Valve section and there was a long ass line to get into the booths to check out the latest shit for HL2. Fuck that, so I left (yeah I know,that sux) and went over and saw the 2 new Call of Duty games coming out. The expansion for the PC looks awesome, but I didnt get to play it at all. They are also releasing a COD game for the console system. Neither of these two were made by Infinity Ward, but from what I saw on the PC, it looked good. For the console, I guess what else can I say but....meh eek:. I thought I saw a MOH Pacific Assault booth somewhere, but I never saw the game or anything related to MOH, so I will recheck tomorrow. I played Neo Contra by Konami and I thought it sucked ass big time. I havent played Contra in a while, but I dont remeber any of them being samurai eek:. They have samurai like armor and one of them is carrying a katana. I played Metal Gear Solid: Snaker Eater, but im not really a fan of console FPS games. I did, however, receive a cool OST for the game in a old record type enclosure. Pretty sweet. I didnt get to see Doom 3 because my gf doesnt like to get too close to these guys, some of them stink really fuckin bad. The Nvidia, Nintendo, and Intel sections all smelled like serious fuckin BO, it was disgusting. Rome Total War was awesome as hell, I saw one dude set fire to some hogs and sent them running to the enemy formation to break them up. happy:. The two booth girls were beyond hot, they were wearing some skimpy robes and were lying in a recliner eating grapes. I went over to the Blizzard section and watched their videos and see all the other shit they had. Starcraft Ghost looks ghey, but the World of Warcraft looks promising. I dont play MMORPGs, so I prolly wont be playing it anytime soon. By this time we all got hungry. Me, my gf, my friend from Interplay and his roommate from Obsidian went to eat outside of the place because the food sucked. We walked about a mile up Figueroa to a Carls Jr. and then walked all the way back. During the walk back, we saw a bank robbery in progress at a Bank of America. There was a cop in the front, back, side and corner and they all had their 9's out. They moved a large empty school bus out in front, and at that time, we decided to get out of there. That was a good hour or so annoy:. When we got back, my feet were killing me and we all wanted to get a move on. Before we left, my friends roomate managed to get us into the Lucas Arts booth after they started to close for the day. This was the best part of the day because I got to play or see every title that is on everyones minds these days. I played Republic Commando and looked at KOTR2 and almost wet myself. Everything about them was supercool, everything. My friends roommate is actually a programmer for Obsidian and told us alot about the game. It is their first project and the game looks rocking. About 8 people got hooked up to SW Battlefront to start a demo viewing for someone from computer gaming monthly or something like that. That game was really fun and I wished I could have played it more, but the dude who snuck us in felt a little nervous about letting us stay too late during a media interview. We played a good part of a mission and then moved onto the expansion for SW Galaxies. That was great because I havent played a good space game in a while. It was alot like those Rebel Assault versions, but it was so smooth, detailed and there were unlimited amount of possibilities. They have nebulas in space that look just like the real thing. In fact, just about everything that you would see in a photo of space are in it. There are asteroid fields that you can navigate through and you can set a course navigation for hyperdrive to another planetary system. The SOE person says that you can fly from one planet to another, enter a planets atmosphere and land in a spaceport. They will introduce other classes like pilot and a person who builds spacecraft, I forgot the name. After that, we had to leave because they wanted everyone out. My feet are so sore from all the standing and walking, I want to sit tomorrow out. But since I am not going Friday, tomorrow is my last day to see everything I missed and to play my favorites again. It was awesome, dudes. If you can manage to get into E3, I say do it, but bring food, comfortable shoes, and dont stay all day long on the first day. My gf forgot her camera at her house, so when we go again tomorrow, I will take all kinds of pics and post them here.
cheers beer:.
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Default 05-14-2004, 12:32 AM

Sounds like you had a blast
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Default 05-14-2004, 12:40 AM

Originally Posted by snipes
Damn, I wish I could be at E3. Games I'm lookin forward to:

(PC) America's Army: Special Forces
umm thats out for d/l for free already, where you been
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elstatec is Offline
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Default 05-14-2004, 06:14 AM

^^^^^hl2 and cs2(w00t) video^^^

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Mr.Buttocks is Offline
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Default 05-14-2004, 06:32 PM

Originally Posted by Madmartagen
I just got back from E3 a couple of hours ago, and it was amazing. It was my first time, and I definately plan on going again tomrrow and every year from now on. I Woke up at 5am. Left OC at 5:45, arrived in LA at around 7, registered at 8. Ate breakfast and the event started at 10am. I was up for almost 5 hours getting ready to go to the damn thing im finally getting in. First off, I have to say, it is so fucking hot in there. Some booths like Konami, ATI, Codemasters and some others were gracious to have their a/c on but it was so stuffy in there, I was sweating the whole time. It was pretty crowded in there today, and I didnt get to play all the games I wanted to, but I did play some good ones, bad ones and managed to look at just about every booth for a bit. Ok the games I did play were Thief Deadly Shadows rock: , Soldiers: Heroes of WW2 rock: , World of Warcraft calmdown: , Metal Slug 4 rock: , Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater eek: and some others, I will try to remember them later. Deadly Shadows was awesome, very worth of the 4 years I have been waiting. Same cast, same/new tools, incredible environment, 1rst/3rd person view, and the Eidos area was flooded with some really hot women. I was chatting with a nice woman from Ion Storm and she was walking me through it all: In addition to Garret having his robotic eye, you can now zoom in and out with it. Also, you can get gloves with the spikes (i forget what they are called) so you can scale walls. You get this item later in the game though. I didnt see a sword in this one, they seem to have replaced it with a dagger instead. Also, they changed the way Garrett picks locks now, instead of just holding down the mouse button, you have to manipulate a 'lock picking meter' displayed on your screen when lockpicking to finish opening the door. It was difficult to understand, so I just smashed the door down with my blackjack happy: . You will have to be more active in terms of lockpicking, I guess. I was talking to some cute girl from Eidos and she gave me a thief shirt for me and my girl. rock: I played Hitman: Contracts, but it was for the Xbox and so I quickly lost interest in the damn thing. Next I strolled over to the codemasters section and I played Soldiers: Heroes of WW2. This game was awesome, but I didnt have enough time to figure out how to really play the hell out of it. It is alot like the Commandos series published by Eidos, but you get to interact alot more with artillery, tanks and stuff like that. The explosions are awesome, and with the tank you can reduce just about everything, including terrain, to rubble and craters. After that, I went over to the SNK section and played the hell out of Metal slug 2,3 and 4 for a couple of hours and scored a cool poster. I walked over to the Valve section and there was a long ass line to get into the booths to check out the latest shit for HL2. Fuck that, so I left (yeah I know,that sux) and went over and saw the 2 new Call of Duty games coming out. The expansion for the PC looks awesome, but I didnt get to play it at all. They are also releasing a COD game for the console system. Neither of these two were made by Infinity Ward, but from what I saw on the PC, it looked good. For the console, I guess what else can I say but....meh eek:. I thought I saw a MOH Pacific Assault booth somewhere, but I never saw the game or anything related to MOH, so I will recheck tomorrow. I played Neo Contra by Konami and I thought it sucked ass big time. I havent played Contra in a while, but I dont remeber any of them being samurai eek:. They have samurai like armor and one of them is carrying a katana. I played Metal Gear Solid: Snaker Eater, but im not really a fan of console FPS games. I did, however, receive a cool OST for the game in a old record type enclosure. Pretty sweet. I didnt get to see Doom 3 because my gf doesnt like to get too close to these guys, some of them stink really fuckin bad. The Nvidia, Nintendo, and Intel sections all smelled like serious fuckin BO, it was disgusting. Rome Total War was awesome as hell, I saw one dude set fire to some hogs and sent them running to the enemy formation to break them up. happy:. The two booth girls were beyond hot, they were wearing some skimpy robes and were lying in a recliner eating grapes. I went over to the Blizzard section and watched their videos and see all the other shit they had. Starcraft Ghost looks ghey, but the World of Warcraft looks promising. I dont play MMORPGs, so I prolly wont be playing it anytime soon. By this time we all got hungry. Me, my gf, my friend from Interplay and his roommate from Obsidian went to eat outside of the place because the food sucked. We walked about a mile up Figueroa to a Carls Jr. and then walked all the way back. During the walk back, we saw a bank robbery in progress at a Bank of America. There was a cop in the front, back, side and corner and they all had their 9's out. They moved a large empty school bus out in front, and at that time, we decided to get out of there. That was a good hour or so annoy:. When we got back, my feet were killing me and we all wanted to get a move on. Before we left, my friends roomate managed to get us into the Lucas Arts booth after they started to close for the day. This was the best part of the day because I got to play or see every title that is on everyones minds these days. I played Republic Commando and looked at KOTR2 and almost wet myself. Everything about them was supercool, everything. My friends roommate is actually a programmer for Obsidian and told us alot about the game. It is their first project and the game looks rocking. About 8 people got hooked up to SW Battlefront to start a demo viewing for someone from computer gaming monthly or something like that. That game was really fun and I wished I could have played it more, but the dude who snuck us in felt a little nervous about letting us stay too late during a media interview. We played a good part of a mission and then moved onto the expansion for SW Galaxies. That was great because I havent played a good space game in a while. It was alot like those Rebel Assault versions, but it was so smooth, detailed and there were unlimited amount of possibilities. They have nebulas in space that look just like the real thing. In fact, just about everything that you would see in a photo of space are in it. There are asteroid fields that you can navigate through and you can set a course navigation for hyperdrive to another planetary system. The SOE person says that you can fly from one planet to another, enter a planets atmosphere and land in a spaceport. They will introduce other classes like pilot and a person who builds spacecraft, I forgot the name. After that, we had to leave because they wanted everyone out. My feet are so sore from all the standing and walking, I want to sit tomorrow out. But since I am not going Friday, tomorrow is my last day to see everything I missed and to play my favorites again. It was awesome, dudes. If you can manage to get into E3, I say do it, but bring food, comfortable shoes, and dont stay all day long on the first day. My gf forgot her camera at her house, so when we go again tomorrow, I will take all kinds of pics and post them here.
cheers beer:.
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