Originally Posted by Eames
GI Joe all time favorite cartoon probably what made me want to join the military
happy: rock:
I don't know about any of you but i found that hilarious.
Are you afraid of the dark? :
Zeke the Plumber seriously gave me nightmares
The skits were ok, but the dancing was mad niggerish
All That:
The SNL of kids
My Brother and Me:
I was never a fan of this show because it was all black people and when you're a kid (or a racist southener) it actually turned you off.
Rocco's Modern Life:
Pure ownage
Eeeek! The Cat:
The episode where he was accidently sent to Hell (i think they called it heck) and had to clean the worlds biggest kitty litter box was good stuff.
Duck Tales:
I got drunk one night up at school and came home at 4:00am and ended up watching a Duck Tales Marathon on the disney channel .... best time of my life.