it doesnt make me mad...sad really. its amazing to me that people are this dumb and unwilling to edjumucate themselves.
we are discussing this topic on the most massive extensive source of information ever known to man kind. His answers are out there he is to lazy/stupid to figure it out for himself.
maybe if i make him feel stupid he will at least do some reasearch on his own next time.
If you're talking about reading that manual - trust me, it wont help anyone do anything beyond the basic create a sphere with a high shine on it that has the texture of the moon and explodes using the pre-set rings.
I understand how it may seem "sad" to you to do it on your own, and do the research - but I think he's asking a pretty smart question in looking to find some resources on this program that aren't easily finding them by just doing a search. I imagine he KNOWS what he's doing as far as using MAX, just that he doesnt know how to do a specific project.
I dunno, my thing is - if you really aren't affected by this post other than annoyance, I dont see any point in railin on him. Now, if he made some gameplay comment like, "how do I make a mod for no shotties", then I could see where the neccessary virtrol would come in.
Location: Texas-----Just an 18 year old trying to get the bangalor mod!
02-15-2002, 10:09 AM
Can somebody help me with 3ds max i know somebody know something about it. I just want to know how to make bigger expolsions for the grenades. Is there a folder in the moh folder
that has files for guns so you can just drag the folders in 3ds max program and edit them.
Also i want to be a moder just like those people out there and with your help i can be one. PLEASE HELP ME.
maybe you should find a 3d max forum, they ll point you in the right direction and tell you what you need to know.
Many people on these forums havnt even heard of this program and those who have probably dont have it. The general topic forum isnt a good place to post these kinds of questions.
ok im going to help you only because youre pathetic.
whoever told you you need 3dsmax to work with .pak files lied to you.
3dsmax is ONLY for creating models(guns models, human models, custom shapes and stuff like that).
.pak files are actually just zip files. open them with winzip.
to edit skins, or as you so eloquently put it, "draw on the guns". You would want to use paint shop pro or photo them from the same place you downloaded 3dsmax.
for explosions and such you need to learn how to program in c++. i dont know much about how they do it but it has absolutely nothing to do with 3dsmax.
to make maps we would need to have the sdk released. so for now, as far as i know. making custom maps is not possible.
[This message has been edited by madrebel (edited February 15, 2002).]
I used 3d Studio(dos) back in high school (back in the dos days LOL) anyways if you think you can just jump on the program and model.. your wrong my friend, i only know the basics (mind you the program back then differs from todays 3ds Max, after all the text books i read and classes i took im by far from an expert, don't get me wrong im not saying you don't know what your doing? do you? im saying that it ain't easy..
madrebel(lol) go to the download section on and look for the BOOM! mod it has bigger expolsions....
Jesus MAD, laying it on pretty thick there arent you?
First off, MAX isn't just used to make MODELS and TEXTURES. If he want's he certainly can make explozions using the MAX particle system and it DAMN FINE animation programl. (Although I have no idea how to go about doing it, and yes the MANUAL is pretty useless if you've actually read it)
What I would suggest for you DUSTIN, is to go to FRY's or a computer shop, and buy a 3D MAX help book, which deals with these topics, one that takes you through creating an ANIMATION using the tools of MAX - by doing so it covers ALL the basics and advanced tools needed to at least get STARTED and familiar with MAX.
As far as directing him to download PHOTOSHOP or PAINTSHOP wherever he got MAX - that's a bit assumptury on your part MAD. MAX is indeed "getable", but there are more than a few folks (including kids) out there using MAX legally. How about some benefit of the doubt since you dont even know the guys age or means - nor has he given anyone any reason to assume he's even WAREZED a 3000 dollar program.
look you dont spend 3 grand and not know wtf 3dsmax is for. and if you do. well allow me to offer my services. i charge 300 an hour and i will advise you on making mods.
this is his 3rd or 4th post like this. this guy is an idiot. i held back long enough.
someone needed to smack him with the cold hand of knowledge.
if he is to dumb to go to and do a search like quake3 mod making. then he isnt worthy of me being patient and kind with him.
Then dont bother MAD. If he makes you that "pissed", why bother? Just skip his post, because I garuntee he'll skip yours and write you off as a snob or "asshole". Sometimes, some folks would like to be specifically pointed in the right direction towards things, and not have to worry about looking for resources that wont pan out. I know thaat has happened to me on more than one occasion. And it is as frustrating as you assume his posts are.
So long end short, if it makes you that mad - go grab a drink of YOHO, read a comic-book, and chill.