<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kakorott:
dude those stats are produced to make us keep wanting to pay 50 bucks for a game its simple to see that its just like music cd's the average price is supposed to drop to 11 bucks or something per cd to do what u ask?? to prevent piracy the music industry figured it out now its time for the gamming community to figure it out and ill tell ya right now more people steal music then games
so until i can get a new game at a constant 20 bucks or less ill always buy from my buddies oversead 10 bucks a game 5 bucks or less shipping and i will never feel bad about it since it cost like just 5 bucks or less to make a frickin game cd and if they sell 100,000 copies at 10 bucks they get a million off that more then enuf to pay all those salaries of the people who make it and design it not to mention the money they make when companies buy there game to promote shit
Kakorott makes a good point. True alot of $ is being lost to piracy, but keep in mind that those figures are based on the original $50 game in the first place ! So this is a true complex chicken and egg problem if we continue to discuss price and piracy. What we need to do is analyze the costs into making a damn game. Taking an conservative average of 500,000 copies being sold at $50/piece, that would come out to $25,000,000. Now minus royalties, distribution, licenscing, worker salaries, and packaging costs (which is very minimal, just copying from CD to CD).
You try to make your own conclusions if all those things justify a conservative estimate of $25M earned.