does somebody have a skin makin guide? i can't figure out how to make a weapon skin... i have paint shop pro, but i can't open a file of one of the skins... how do i open the skins in paint shop? i've never done this before:S
what u need si the nvidia DDS plugins i think thats what u need by the sounds of it just install that here the link
its on there
aw i thought he said he came across a texture that he couldnt open so i thought well that kinda meens hes been opening tga files so i thought he wouldnt know about the dds dds is cool everyone should use it the quality of TGA and the size of a jpg best of both worlds.
go to the guides section on this site as well. I think there are a few. I have one for grenades that can be applied to weapons. It's basic but a good start and I believe I used Paint shop pro as well at that time.
Veg, if the file you're talking about that you can't open a .TIK file, you can always open them with wordpad. i think notepad also. if you're looking to open the actual files where the graphics of the weapons are, those would be .TGA files. PSP is used to open that, as well as Photoshop. I used PSv7 to make my skins. it's all very easy work once you get the hang of using it.