Why would the Americans stop to help German wounded when there are more germans in the forest?
They didn't even stop for their own guys - they couldn't. they had to take their objectives. If your buddy fell - You left him there and moved forward.
You just hope a medic comes along and patches him up. You might move him out of the line of fire, but c'mon.. If you're in battle, and giving chase to krauts you don't fucking stop and let them set up their 42's again...
Hitler was supposedly asleep when the Beach landings happned, instead of orderign the panzers he slept supposedly.
+ the end was kinda weird. Maybe if you added in the germans retreated/ fireing ended type thing then the end would make more sense. Overall pretty good.
And I have eaten dirt. And if I wanted to, I could and would now.
The guy tried his best. Lay off. The only real problem I saw with it was them calling the medic to help the injured german. Besides that, it was alright.